Ecosystems where Munidopsis crassa occurs
n = 13
Ecosystem Type Status Ref.
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 76884
Azores Canaries Madeira Sea/Bay/Gulf native 79332
Caribbean Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 79163
Carolinian Sea/Bay/Gulf native 78492
Celtic-Biscay Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 78098
Cold Temperate Northwest Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 79474
Gulf of Mexico Sea/Bay/Gulf native 97531
Lusitanian sea/bay/gulf native 79332
Temperate Northern Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 79332
Tropical Northwestern Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 79163
Virginian Sea/Bay/Gulf native 77072
Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 78492
Western Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 78176
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