Ecosystems where Lepidochelys olivacea occurs
n = 94
Ecosysteem Type Status Ref.
Agulhas Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Andaman sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Andaman Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Angolan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Arabian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Arnhem Coast to Gulf of Carpenteria Sea/Bay/Gulf native 75780
Bahamian Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Bay of Bengal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 75781
Benguela sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Benguela Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
California Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Caribbean Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Central Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Chiapas-Nicaragua Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Cold Temperate Northeast Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Cold Temperate Northwest Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Coral Sea and GBR Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Davao Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 115635
East African Coral Coast Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
East Brazil Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
East Caroline Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 97534
East China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Eastern Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Eastern Coral Triangle sea/bay/gulf native 97534
Eastern Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 108058
Galapagos sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Greater Antilles Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Guianan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Guinea Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 417
Gulf of Aden Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Alaska Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Aqaba Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of California Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Guinea sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Gulf of Guinea Central Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Guinea Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Guinea South Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Guinea Upwelling Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Guinea West Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Gulf of Thailand Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Hawaii Sea/Bay/Gulf native 78527
Hawaii - province Sea/Bay/Gulf native 78527
Humboldt Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 418
Indonesian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Lesser Sunda Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Lusitanian sea/bay/gulf native 83469
New Caledonia Sea/Bay/Gulf native 97534
Nicoya Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
North Australian Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 75780
North Brazil Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Northern and Central Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Northern Bay of Bengal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Pacific Central-American Coastal Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Panama Bight Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Persian Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Red Sea and Gulf of Aden sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Sahelian Upwelling Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Sahul Shelf sea/bay/gulf native 75780
Seychelles Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Solomon Archipelago Sea/Bay/Gulf native 97534
Somali Coastal Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Somali/Arabian sea/bay/gulf native 1397
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
South India and Sri Lanka Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Southeast Polynesia sea/bay/gulf native 108058
Southern Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Southern China Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Southern Cook/Austral Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 108058
Southern Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Southwestern Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Sulu-Celebes Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Sunda Shelf sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Temperate Australasia sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Temperate Northern Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Temperate Northern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Temperate South America sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Tropical Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Tropical East Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Tropical Eastern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Tropical Northwestern Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Tropical Northwestern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 97534
Tropical Southwestern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 97534
Warm Temperate Southeastern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
West African Transition sea/bay/gulf native 1397
West and South Indian Shelf sea/bay/gulf native 75781
West Caroline Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 97534
Western Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
Western Coral Triangle sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Western Indian Ocean sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Western Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 1397
Yellow Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1397
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