Ecosystems where Echinaster callosus occurs
n = 16
Ecossistema Tipo Status Ref.
Arabian Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 800
Central Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 800
Davao Gulf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 82802
East African Coral Coast Sea/Bay/Gulf native 800
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 800
New Caledonia Sea/Bay/Gulf native 800
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 800
Red Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 800
Red Sea and Gulf of Aden sea/bay/gulf native 800
Seychelles Sea/Bay/Gulf native 800
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 81020
Sunda Shelf sea/bay/gulf native 85384
Temperate Northern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 800
Tropical Southwestern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 800
Western Indian Ocean sea/bay/gulf native 800
Western Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 800
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