Ecosystems where Dactylanthus antarcticus occurs
n = 14
生态系 类型 状态 参考文献
Antarctic Peninsula Sea/Bay/Gulf native 116836
Antarctica Sea/Bay/Gulf native 87340
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 116836
Channels and Fjords of Southern Chile Sea/Bay/Gulf native 87801
Chiloense Sea/Bay/Gulf native 87801
Magellanic sea/bay/gulf native 87801
South Georgia Sea/Bay/Gulf native 116836
South Orkney Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 87340
South Sandwich Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 116836
South Shetland Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 116836
Southern Ocean sea/bay/gulf native 87340
Strait of Magellan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 87801
Temperate South America sea/bay/gulf native 87801
Weddell Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 115864