Ecosystems where Colochirus quadrangularis occurs
n = 17
Ecosistema Tipo Estado Referencia
Arnhem Coast to Gulf of Carpenteria Sea/Bay/Gulf native 122522
Bonaparte Coast Sea/Bay/Gulf native 122522
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef Sea/Bay/Gulf native 122522
Central Indo-Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 81020
Exmouth to Broome Sea/Bay/Gulf native 120175
Gulf of Thailand Sea/Bay/Gulf native 81020
Houtman Sea/Bay/Gulf native 122522
Indian Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 117225
Manning-Hawkesbury Sea/Bay/Gulf native 122522
Ningaloo Sea/Bay/Gulf native 117225
Pacific Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 101589
Shark Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 115986
South China Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 81020
Southern China Sea/Bay/Gulf native 125532
Sunda Shelf sea/bay/gulf native 101589
Torres Strait Northern Great Barrier Reef Sea/Bay/Gulf native 122522
Tweed-Moreton Sea/Bay/Gulf native 122522
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