Information by Family abalones African caecilians African reed frogs American anteaters American vultures angel wings, piddocks anoloid lizards argonauts, paper nautileses ark shells arm squids armadillos armored shrimps Asian pipe snakes Asiatic salamanders Asiatic tailed caecilians atlantas auger shells Australian frogs balloon octopods bandicoots barn-owls basket lucinas basket shrimp batagurine turtles bathysquillid mantis shrimps beaked whales bean cowries bears beavers benthesicymid shrimps big-headed turtles bigfin squids Bishops, Weavers bittersweet clams Black mangrove blanket octopods blind lobsters bobtail squids Boring sponges bottle squids box crabs bubble shells buccinum whelks bulldog bats bumblebee shrimps Buntings, New World Sparrows, Emberizid Finches, American Sparrows, Towhees burrowing toads bustards buttonquails Caecilians camels capromyid rodents carditas carrier crabs carrier shells cassidula and pythia snails cassowaries cats ceriths chambered nautiluses chameleons chevrotains chiroteuthid squids chitons [narrow chitons] cirroctopods clawed crabs clubhook squids cock shrimps cockles comb-finned squids conchs cone shells coral barnacles coral shrimps cormorants coronidid mantis shrimps costate miters cowries cranch squids cranes crangonid shrimps crayfishes crayfishes creepers crown of thorns starfish cuckoo-roller cuckoo-roller cucullaeid ark shells cup corals cushion stars cuttlefishes darters Darwin's frogs deepsea crabs deepsea shrimps deepsea squids deepwater hermit crabs dippers disc-fin squids distorsios Dolphin snails donax clams dormice dove shells doves dugongs dwarf boas dwarf pipe snakes dwarf tritons earthworms egg cowries elbow crabs enope squids eublepharid geckos European spadefoot toads eurysquillid mantis shrimps false coral snakes false limpets fenix lobsters fiddler and ghost crabs fig shells filamented lobate file shells finfoots finned octopus fire corals fire squids fire-bellied toads firefly squids flamingos flapjack octopods flying squids and arrow squids football octopus free-tailed bats frigatebirds frog crabs frog shells gall crab gamba prawns gannets & boobies geckos gelatinous giant octopods ghost frogs ghost shrimp giant clams giant squids giraffes glass octopods glass shrimps glass sponge shrimps glauconomyas golfingiids gonodactylid mantis shrimps goose barnacles grebes gribbles grooved snails ground hornbills ground rollers Guineafowl hairy crabs hammer oysters harlequin shrimps harp shells helmet and bonnet shells helmet crabs helmet lizards hemidonax clam hemisquillid mantis shrimps hingebeak shrimp hippopotamuses honeycomb oysters honeyeaters hoopoes hornbills horse conchs, spindle shells horse crabs horsehoof limpets hummingbirds hydrocorals hyperiids Indian caecilians inshore squids jacamars jacanas jewel box shells jewel squids, umbrella squids joubin's squids keyhole limpets kingfishers Kirpatrick, 1908 kiwis knife and razor clams koalas land crabs land hermit crab lantern clams larks leatherback turtle left-handed hermit crabs lobster shrimp long-horn caddisflies longeye shrimps longleg crabs loons lottiid limpets lucinas lungless salamanders lysiosquillid mantis shrimps man-like primates marine or true dolphins marsh clams marsupial 'moles' Mauritius snakes megapodes Melongenas Mexican pythons miter shells mole crabs mole salamanders moon snails mountain beavers mousebirds mud crabs mud shrimps musk deer mustelids nannosquillid mantis shrimps Nassa mud snails neosquids Neotropical tailed caecilians nerites New World leaf-nosed bats New World monkeys New World porcupines New World quails night lizards night shrimp nightjars noetiid ark shells (noetiid) North American spiny lizards North American worm lizards northern caddisflies nuthatches octopus squids octopuses odontodactylid mantis shrimps Old World flycatchers Old World monkeys Old World tree frogs olive shells ostriches oysters palaemonid shrimps pandalid shrimps Patellid limpets pea crabs peaclams pearl oysters peccaries pelagic octopods pelicans pen shells penaeid shrimps periwinkles phascolionids pikas Pipits, Wagtails pitted-shelled turtles pocket gophers porcelain crabs porpoises potoos priapulids primitive blind snakes procyonids pronghorns protosquillid mantis shrimps pseudosquillid mantis shrimps puffbirds purpuras, murex and rock shells purse crabs pygmy and dwarf sperm whales pygmy cuttlefish pygmy right whales pythons ram's horn squid ramshorn snails reef crabs reef lobsters rheas rhinoceroses rhomboid crabs rhomboid squids, diamondback squids right-handed hermit crabs river dolphins river dolphins river turtles rock crabs rock shrimps rollers rorquals, finback whales sabellids sand crabs sandgrouse sandpipers scallops scimitarbills scissorfoot shrimp screamers sea clappers sea cucumbers sea gooseberries sea hares sea mussels sea turtles sea walnuts sergestid shrimps seriemas sesarmid mangrove crabs Seychelle frogs sharper enope squids shield toads shipworms shore, marsh, and talon crabs short razor clams shrew opossums shrews shrikes sipunculids sirens skeleton shrimps skinks skunks slipper lobsters slipper shells snapping shrimps snapping turtles soft-scaled squids softshell turtles solenocerid shrimps sperm whales spider crabs spider shrimps spiky sea walnuts spiny lobsters sponge crabs squat lobsters squillid mantis shrimps starlings stilt crabs stone and king crabs stone and mud crabs stone and mud crabs stone crabs sumo crab sunbeam snakes sunbittern Sundial shells sunken spired shells sunset clams, sanguins swallows swamp-ceriths and horn shells swifts swimming crabs tailed frogs tapirs telescope octopods tellins tetrasquillid mantis shrimps themistids thick-knees thorny oysters three-toed sloths tinamous todies tongueless frogs Top shells torrent salamanders tortoises tree oysters triton shells trogons tropicbirds tropidurid lizards trough shells true crocodiles true soft corals trumpters tuataras tubificid worms tun shells turacos Turban shells turret shells turrids turtle barnacles turtle barnacles two-toed sloths typical owls tyrant flycatchers vampire squids vase shells venus clams Venus' girdles vespertilionid bats vireos volutes walruses wart snakes waxbills waxwings wedge clams whale barnacles whelks whiplashs squids white whales white-eyes windowpane shells wombats wood hoopoes worm shells wormsnails wrens
Note: Lists may be incomplete. Some lists may be very long and will take time to load
information by country / island
Afghanistan Afrique du Sud Alaska (USA) Albanie Algérie Allemagne Andorre Angola Anguilla Antarctique Antigua-et-Barbuda Arabie Saoudite Archipel de Socotra Argentine Arménie Aruba Australie Autriche Azerbaïdjan Bahamas Bahreïn Bangladesh Barbade Bélarus Belgique Belize Bénin Bermudes Bhoutan Bolivie Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba Bosnie-Herzégovine Botswana Brésil Brunéi Darrusalam Bulgarie Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodge Cameroun Canada Cap-Vert Cargados Carajos Centrafrique Chili Chine Chypre Colombie Comores Congo (République Démocratique du) Congo (République du) Corée (République de) Corée (République Populaire Démocratique de) Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatie Cuba Danemark Djibouti Dominique Égypte El Salvador Émirats arabes unis Équateur Érythrée Espagne Estonie États-Unis d'Amérique Éthiopie Finlande France Gabon Gambie Géorgie Ghana Gibraltar Grèce Grenade Groenland Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinée Guinée Équatoriale Guinée-Bissau Guyana Guyane Française Haïti Honduras Hong-Kong Hongrie Île Adélaïde Île Amsterdam, Nouvelle Amsterdam Île Bouvet Île Caroline Île Christmas (AUS) Île de Clipperton Île de Curacao Île de l'Ascension Île de Lord Howe Île de Man Île de Pâques Île de Wake Île du Roc Saint-Paul Île Éléphant Île Europa Île Jan Mayen Île Johnston Île Juan da Nova Île Macquarie Île Norfolk Île Peter Île Rodrigues Île Saint-Paul Île Scott Île Svalbard Île Tristan da Cunha Île-du-Prince-Édouard Îles Andaman Îles Anglo-Normandes Îles Balleny Îles Caïmanes Îles Canaries Îles Chagos Îles Cocos (CRI) Îles Cook Îles Crozet Îles de l'Amirauté Îles de la Géorgie du Sud et Sandwich du Sud Îles de Madeire Îles des Açores Îles des Cocos (Keeling) Îles des Orkney du Sud Îles des Shetland du Sud Îles Desventuradas Îles Falkland (Malvinas) Îles Féroé Îles Fidji Îles Galapagos Îles Glorieuses, Archipel des Glorieuses Îles Hawaï Îles Heard et McDonald Îles Juan Fernández Îles Kerguelen Îles Kermadec Îles KurÎles Îles Mariannes du Nord Îles Mashall Îles Midway Îles Ogasawara Îles Ryukyu Îles Salomon Îles Turques et Caïques Îles Vierges (GBR) Îles Vierges (USA) Îles Wallis et Futuna Inde Indonésie Iran Iraq Irlande Islande Israël Italie Jamaïque Japon Jordanie Kazakhstan Kenya Kirghizistan Kiribati Koweït Laos Lettonie Liban Libéria Libye Lituanie Luxembourg Macao Macédoine Madagascar Malaisie Malawi Maldives Mali Malte Maroc Martinique Maurice Mauritanie Mayotte Mexique Micronésie Moldavie Monaco Mongolie Monténégro Montserrat Mozambique Myanmar Namibie Nauru Népal Nicaragua Niger Nigéria Nioué Norvège Nouvelle-Calédonie Nouvelle-Zélande Oman Ouganda Ouzbékistan Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée Paraguay Pays-Bas Pérou Philippines Pitcairn Pologne Polynésie Française Porto Rico Portugal Qatar République dominicaine Réunion Revillagigedo Roumanie Royaume-Uni Russie Rwanda Sahara occidental Saint-Barthélemy Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis Saint-Martin (FR) Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Saint-Vincent et Grenadines Sainte-Hélène Sainte-Lucie Samoa Samoa américaines Sao Tomé-et-Principe Sénégal Serbie et Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapour Slovaquie Slovénie Somalie Soudan Sri Lanka Suède Suisse Suriname Swaziland Syrie Tadjikistan Taïwan Tanzanie Tchad Tchéquie Terre Adélie Thaïlande Timor oriental Togo Tokelau Tonga Trindade et Martim Vaz Trinité-et-Tobago Tunisie Turkménistan Turquie Tuvalu Ukraine Uruguay Vanuatu Vénézuela Viet Nam Yémen Zambie Zimbabwe
Note: Lists may be incomplete. Some lists may be very long and will take time to loadLists may be incomplete. Some lists may be very long and will take time to load A new dropdown list will appear if a country has a sub-country (ex. Canada, USA, etc.) Disclaimer about country names
information by ecosystem All Large Marine Ecosystems Marine ecoregions Other marine ecosystems Freshwaters Açores (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Antarctique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Archipel arctique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie d'Atulayan (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie d'Hudson (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie d'Ormoc (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie d'Ulugan (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Baffin (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Baffin/ Détroit de Davis (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Calauag (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Carigara (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Kimbe (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Manille (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Pagbilao (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Panguil (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de San Miguel (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de San Pedro (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Sogod (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Sorsogon (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie de Tayabas (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie du Bengale (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Baie du Discovery (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Chang-hwa (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Côtes Américaines du Pacifique Central (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Côtes Ibériques (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Courant Côtier de Somalie (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Courant de Benguela (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Courant de Californie (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Courant de Guinée (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Courant de Humboldt (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Courant des Aiguilles (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Courant des Canaries (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Détroit de Tañon (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Eaux du Pérou et des Galapagos (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Eaux Polynésiennes (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Eaux Sibériennes Nord (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Eaux Sud-Ouest-Chiliennes (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Erh-jen-shi (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe d'Aden (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe d'Alaska (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe d'Oman (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Californie (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Davao (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Lagonoy (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Leyte (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Lingayen (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Panay (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Ragay (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe de Thaïlande (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe du Mexique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Golfe Persique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Grande Baie Australienne (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Grande Barrière de Corail (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Hsiao-liu-chiu (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Hsin-chu (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Île de Tahiti (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Îles du Pacifique et Hawaï (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Kuroshio (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Lac Issyk-Kul (Lake) Lagune Ébrié (Lagoon) Lu-kang (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Lutao Island (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Méditerranée (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer Baltique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer Caraïbe (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer Caspienne (Lake) Mer d'Arabie (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer d'Aral (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer d'Azov (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer d'Indonésie (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Barents (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Beaufort (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Bering Occidentale (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Bering Orientale (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Chine Méridionale (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Chine Orientale (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Chukchi (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Corail et Grande Barrière de Corail (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Kara (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Laptev (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Norvège (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Samar (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Sibérie Orientale (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Tasmanie (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer de Weddell (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer des Andamans (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer des Salish (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer des Sargasses (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer des Sulu-Célèbes (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer des Visayans (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer du Japon (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer du Nord (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer du Scotia (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer du Scotia Méridionale (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer Jaune (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer Noire (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Mer Rouge (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Milne (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Océan Arctique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Océan Atlantique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Océan Indien (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Océan Pacifique (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Okhotsk (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Oyashio (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Passage de l'ïle Verte (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Peng-hu (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Australien Central-Est (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Australien Central-Ouest (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Australien Nord (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Australien Nord-Est (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Australien Nord-Ouest (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Australien Sud-Est (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Australien Sud-Ouest (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Brésilen Oriental (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Brésilien Nord (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Brésilien Sud (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Celtico-Gascon (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Continental des USA Nord-Est (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Continental des USA Sud-Est (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau de Patagonie (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau des Féroés (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau du Groënland Occidental (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau du Groënland Oriental (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau du Labarador et de Terre-Neuve (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Écossais (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Islandais (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Plateau Néozélandais (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Tai-chung (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Tung-hsiao (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Wan-li-tung (Sea/Bay/Gulf) Yun-gan (Sea/Bay/Gulf)
Note: Lists may be incomplete. Some lists may be very long and will take time to load
information by topic Note: Lists may be incomplete. Some lists may be very long and will take time to load
Associated Journal We encourage users to publish their primary research on growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in SeaLifeBase. A few journal options are available, one of which is Frontiers in Marine Science, Marine Biology section (Impact factor 2021: 3.7) in which a few members of the FishBase Consortium are serving as associated and review editors.
References Citing SeaLifeBase
How to cite SeaLifeBase To give due credit to the original authors, please cite data taken from SeaLifeBase by Main Ref. and/or Data Ref. of the respective record
Cite SeaLifeBase itself as Palomares, M.L.D. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2024. SeaLifeBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., version (12/2024).
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Update ver. 12/2024