Données morphologiques de Nymphon diabolus
Clés d'identification
Réf. Princ. Child, C.A., 1988
Ressemble à

Attributs sexuels

Ponte de
Apparence différente
Couleurs différentes

Caractéristiques descriptives des juvéniles et adultes

Éléments remarquables
Profil du corps
Section transverse
Profil dorsal de la tête
Type d'yeux
Type de bouche/museau
Position de la bouche
Diagnose Size: small; leg span 9.3 mm. Trunk: completely segmented, lateral processes up to twice as long as their diameters, separated by about 1.5 times their diameters, glabrous. Ocular tubercle: taller than wide, with large pigmented eyes, with apical pair of lateral tubercles half as tall as ocular tubercle itself. Abdomen: small, as tall as ocular tubercle, armed with two distal setae. Neck short, without parallel sides. Entire anterior from neck (chelifores, palps, and proboscis) reduced in size in relation to remainder of trunk and appendages. Proboscis: small, cylindrical, with rounded lips. Chelifores: small, scape curved ventrally, armed with several dorsal and distal setae not as long as segment diameter. Chela: slender, fmgers short, robust, armed with seven slender teeth on movable fmger and nine on immovable finger. Palm: with several distal setae. Oviger: distal segments from five to 10 with several lateral and distal setae as long as segment diameters. Fourth and fifth segments subequal, fifth curved, without distal pophysis. Strigilis: segments with denticulate spines with 2 lateral lobes on the proximal spines of each segment and 3 lobes on the distal spines, arranged in the formula 6:7:6:5. Terminal claw: almost as long as terminal segment, armed with six to eight endal teeth. Palp: small, slender, second segment longer than third, terminal segment 0.2 longer than fourth, both with few setae, each longer than segment diameters. Legs: long, slender, with few short setae, 2 or 3 longer dorsal and dorsodistal setae on major segments, and three sharp spines proximally, medially and distally on second tibiae ventral surface. Propodus: 2.4 times longer than tarsus, both slender, with short and long ectal setae and row of short sole spines. Claw and auxiliaries: very short, main claw only 0.23 length of propodus, auxiliaries only slightly shorter than main claw. Cement glands: not found (Ref. 6).
Facilité d'identification likely to be confused with closely related species.

Caractéristiques méristiques de Nymphon diabolus

Lignes latérales Interrompu(e)(s): No
Écailles sur la ligne latérale
Écailles perforées de la ligne latérale
Écailles en série latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Écailles autour du pédoncule caudal
Fentes branchiales (requins et raies uniquement)
Fentes branchiales
sur le membre inférieur
sur le membre supérieur


Nageoire(s) dorsale(s)

Nombre de nageoires
Nombre de pinnules dorsale   
Total d'épines
Total de rayons mous
Nageoire adipeuse

Nageoire caudale


Nageoire(s) anale(s)

Nombre de nageoires
Total d'épines
Total de rayons mous

Nageoires paires

Pectorale(s) Attributs  
Rayons mous   
Pelvienne(s) Attributs  
Rayons mous   
Réf. Princ. (ex. 9948)
Glossaire (ex. cnidaria)
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