Cellaria diversa : Occurrence Records Point data  |   Species Summary   |  SeaLifeBase    |   Close   
n = 28 Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Antarctic1902     Off Winter Quarters, McMurdo Sound.SLB
Antarctic1903     SLB
Antarctic1903     SLB
Antarctic1903     SLB
Antarctic1903     SLB
Antarctic1903     SLB
Antarctic1912    379 - 379Ross Sea.SLB
Antarctic1912    256 - 256Ross Sea.SLB
Antarctic1912    293 - 293Ross Sea.SLB
Antarctic1912    366 - 366Off Barne Glacier, McMurdo Sound.SLB
Antarctic1927    315 - 315Bismarck Strait, Palmer Archipelago.SLB
Antarctic1936    567 - 567Ross Sea.SLB
Antarctic1936    351 - 351Ross Sea.SLB
Bouvet Island1930    40 - 45Off Bouvet Island.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1926    106 - 109Off South Georgia.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1926    110 - 110West Cumberland Bay.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1926    120 - 240Off mouth of Cumberland Bay.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1926    238 - 270South Georgia.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1926    230 - 250Off mouth of Cumberland Bay.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1926    122 - 136Stromness Harbour to Larsen Point.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1926    88 - 273East Cumberland Bay.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1927    155 - 178Off mouth of Stromness Harbour.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1927    132 - 148Off Cape Saunders.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1927    200 - 234Mouth of East Cumberland Bay.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1928    97Off South Georgia.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1930    77 - 152Off Cook Island.SLB
South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands1930    199 - 199Off Shag Rocks.SLB
South Shetland Islands1927    200 - 200Bransfield Strait.SLB

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