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Fish Identification
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Non-fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Palaemonidae palaemonid shrimps (See list of species below)

Select Ocean (marine/brackish) or Continent (freshwater):

Select Country (optional):

Total number of spines in dorsal and anal fins (optional)

451 species with fin ray counts including ? spines in dorsal and ? in anal fins (see list below)
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Allopontia iaini
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Altopontonia disparostris
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Amphipontonia kanak
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Anchiopontonia hurii
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Anchistus australis
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Anchistus custoides
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Anchistus custos
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Anchistus demani
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Anchistus gravieri
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Anchistus miersi
[Giant clam commensal shrimp]
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Anchistus pectinis

Ancylomenes holthuisi
[Holthuis cleaner shrimp]

Ancylomenes magnificus
[Magnificent shrimp]
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Ancylomenes pedersoni
[Pederson cleaner shrimp]
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Ancylomenes tenuirostris

Ancylomenes tosaensis
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Ancylomenes venustus
[Beautiful transparent shrimp]
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Apopontonia dentimanus
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Apopontonia falcirostris
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Araiopontonia odontorhyncha
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Ascidonia miserabilis
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Ascidonia pusilla
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Ascidonia quasipusilla
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Balssia noeli

Brachycarpus biunguiculatus
[Twoclaw shrimp]
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Brachycarpus crosnieri
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Cainonia medipacifica
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Calathaemon holthuisi
[Purgatory cave shrimp]
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Climeniperaeus orbitospinatus
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Colemonia litodactylus
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Conchodytes biunguiculatus
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Conchodytes kempi
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Conchodytes maculatus
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Conchodytes meleagrinae
[Hawaiian pearloyster shrimp]
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Conchodytes monodactylus
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Conchodytes tridacnae
[Giant-clam shrimp]
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Coralliocaris graminea
[Green Acropora commensal shrimp]
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Coralliocaris nudirostris
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Coralliocaris superba
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Coralliocaris venusta
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Coralliocaris viridis
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Cristimenes brucei
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Cryphiops caementarius
[Changallo shrimp]
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Cuapetes agag
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Cuapetes americanus
[American grass shrimp]
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Cuapetes amymone
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Cuapetes anacanthus
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Cuapetes andamanensis
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Cuapetes darwiniensis
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Cuapetes demani
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Cuapetes elegans
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Cuapetes ensifrons
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Cuapetes grandis
[Black and silver cuapetes shrimp]

Cuapetes kororensis
[Mushroom coral ghost shrimp]
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Cuapetes lacertae
[Spotted arm shrimp]
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Cuapetes longirostris
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Cuapetes nilandensis
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Cuapetes platycheles
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Cuapetes rapanui
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Cuapetes seychellensis
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Cuapetes suvadivensis

Cuapetes tenuipes
[Red claw cuapetes shrimp]
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Dactylonia ascidicola
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Dactylonia borradalei
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Dactylonia franseni
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Dactylonia monnioti
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Dasycaris doederleini
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Dasycaris symbiotes

Dasycaris zanzibarica
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Epipontonia anceps
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Epipontonia hainanensis
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Epipontonia spongicola
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Epipontonia tahitiensis
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Exoclimenella denticulata
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Exoclimenella maldivensis
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Exopalaemon annandalei
[Cipango prawn]
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Exopalaemon carinicauda
[Oriental prawn]
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Exopalaemon orientis
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Exopontonia malleatrix
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Fennera chacei
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Gnathophylloides mineri
[Squat urchin shrimp]

Gnathophyllum americanum
[Bumblebee shrimp]

Gnathophyllum circellum
[Circled shrimp]
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Gnathophyllum modestum
[Spotted bumblebee shrimp]
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Gnathophyllum panamense
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Gnathophyllum precipuum
[Hawaiian cave shrimp]
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Gnathophyllum taylori
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Hamiger novaezealandiae
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Hamodactylus boschmai
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Hamodactylus noumeae

Hamopontonia corallicola
[Egg shell shrimp]
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Harpiliopsis beaupresii
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Harpiliopsis depressa
[Flattened shrimp]
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Harpiliopsis spinigera
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Harpilius bayeri
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Harpilius consobrinus
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Harpilius lutescens

Hymenocera picta
[Harlequin shrimp]
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Ischnopontonia lophos
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Isopontonia platycheles
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Izucaris crosnieri
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Jocaste japonica
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Jocaste lucina
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Kaviengella jeffkinchi
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Kemponia johnsoni
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Kemponia nilandensis
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Laomenes albonigrus

Laomenes amboinensis
[Ambon crinoid shrimp]
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Laomenes nudirostris
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Leander paulensis
[Red-algae shrimp]
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Leander plumosus
[Long nose shrimp]

Leander tenuicornis
[Brown grass shrimp]
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Leandrites celebensis
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Leandrites stenopus

Leptocarpus potamiscus
[Bombay prawn]
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Levicaris mammilata
[Slate-pencil urchin shrimp]
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Lipkebe holthuisi
[Wellington shrimp]
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Macrobrachium acanthurus
[Cinnamon river shrimp]
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Macrobrachium aemulum
[Noumea river prawn]
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Macrobrachium americanum
[Cauque river prawn]
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Macrobrachium asperulum
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Macrobrachium australe
[Koua river prawn]
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Macrobrachium carcinus
[Bigclaw river shrimp]
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Macrobrachium crenulatum
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Macrobrachium dacqueti
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Macrobrachium dienbienphuense
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Macrobrachium digueti
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Macrobrachium dux
[Congo river prawn]

Macrobrachium equidens
[Rough river prawn]
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Macrobrachium esculentum
[Sweet river prawn]
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Macrobrachium faustinum
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Macrobrachium felicinum
[Niger River prawn]
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Macrobrachium formosense
[Crane river prawn]
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Macrobrachium gracilirostre
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Macrobrachium grandimanus
[Hawaiian river shrimp]
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Macrobrachium guangxiense
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Macrobrachium hancocki
[Hancock's river prawn]
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Macrobrachium hendersoni
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Macrobrachium heterochirus
[Cascade river prawn]
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Macrobrachium horstii
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Macrobrachium idae
[Orana river prawn]
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Macrobrachium inflatum
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Macrobrachium insulare

Macrobrachium intermedium
[Striped river prawn]
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Macrobrachium japonicum
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Macrobrachium jaroense
[Jaro river prawn]
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Macrobrachium jiangxiense
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Macrobrachium lanceifrons
[Philippine river prawn]
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Macrobrachium lanchesteri
[Riceland prawn]

Macrobrachium lar
[Monkey river prawn]
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Macrobrachium latidactylus
[Scissor river prawn]
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Macrobrachium latimanus
[Mountain river prawn]
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Macrobrachium lepidactyloides
[Malayam scale prawn]
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Macrobrachium maculatum
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Macrobrachium malcolmsonii
[Monsoon river prawn]
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Macrobrachium mammillodactylus
[Knobtooth prawn]
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Macrobrachium meridionalis

Macrobrachium mirabile
[Shortleg river prawn]
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Macrobrachium nipponense
[Oriental river prawn]
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Macrobrachium ohione
[Ohio shrimp]
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Macrobrachium olfersii
[Bristled river shrimp]
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Macrobrachium panamense

Macrobrachium rosenbergii
[Giant river prawn]
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Macrobrachium rude
[Hairy river prawn]
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Macrobrachium shaoi
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Macrobrachium superbum
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Macrobrachium tenellum
[Longarm river prawn]
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Macrobrachium venustum
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Macrobrachium vietnamense
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Macrobrachium villosimanus
[Dimua river prawn]
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Macrobrachium vollenhovenii
[African river prawn]
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Macrobrachium yui
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Madangella altirostris
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Manipontonia persiana
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Mesopontonia gorgoniophila
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Mesopontonia gracilicarpus
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Mesopontonia kimwoni
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Mesopontonia monodactylus
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Metapontonia fungiacola
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Nematopalaemon hastatus
[Estuarine prawn]
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Nematopalaemon schmitti
[Whitebelly prawn]

Nematopalaemon tenuipes
[Spider prawn]
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Neoanchistus cardiodytes
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Neopontonides beaufortensis
[Seawhip shrimp]

Neopontonides chacei
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Neopontonides henryvonprahli
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Notopontonia platycheles
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Odontonia bagginsi
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Odontonia compacta
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Odontonia katoi
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Odontonia plurellicola
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Odontonia simplicipes
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Onycocaridella monodoa
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Onycocaris longirostris
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Onycocaris maui
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Onycocaris oligodentata
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Onycocaris quadratophthalma
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Opaepupu huna
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Orthopontonia ornata

Palaemon adspersus
[Baltic prawn]
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Palaemon affinis

Palaemon concinnus
[Mangrove prawn]
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Palaemon debilis
[Feeble shrimp]

Palaemon elegans
[Rockpool prawn]
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Palaemon floridanus
[Florida grass shrimp]
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Palaemon gladiator
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Palaemon gracilis
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Palaemon gravieri
[Chinese ditch prawn]
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Palaemon khori

Palaemon longirostris
[Delta prawn]
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Palaemon macrodactylus
[Oriental shrimp]
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Palaemon maculatus
[Zaire prawn]
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Palaemon modestus
[Siberian prawn]
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Palaemon northropi
[Crossbanded grass shrimp]
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Palaemon ortmanni
[Gladiator prawn]
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Palaemon pacificus
[Pacific grass shrimp]
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Palaemon paucidens
[Lake prawn]
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Palaemon ritteri
[Barred grass shrimp]
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Palaemon semmelinkii

Palaemon serratus
[Common prawn]
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Palaemon serrifer
[Carpenter prawn]
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Palaemon sewelli

Palaemon styliferus
[Roshna prawn]
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Palaemon tenuidactylus

Palaemon xiphias
[Posidonia prawn]
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Palaemonella asymmetrica
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Palaemonella crosnieri
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Palaemonella disalvoi
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Palaemonella dolichodactylus
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Palaemonella hachijo
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Palaemonella holmesi
[Southern algae shrimp]
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Palaemonella lata
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Palaemonella pottsi
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Palaemonella pusilla
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Palaemonella rotumana
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Palaemonella spinulata
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Palaemonella tenuipes

Palaemonetes antennarius
[Pond shrimp]
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Palaemonetes antrorum
[Balcones cave shrimp]
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Palaemonetes atrinubes
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Palaemonetes cummingi
[Squirrel chimney cave shrimp]
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Palaemonetes hiltoni
[Hilton shrimp]
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Palaemonetes intermedius
[Brackish grass shrimp]
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Palaemonetes kadiakensis
[Mississippi grass shrimp]
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Palaemonetes octaviae
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Palaemonetes paludosus
[Riverine grass shrimp]
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Palaemonetes pugio
[Daggerblade grass shrimp]
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Palaemonetes sinensis
[Chinese grass shrimp]
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Palaemonetes texanus
[Texas River shrimp]
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Palaemonetes tonkinensis
[Tonkin grass shrimp]

Palaemonetes varians
[Atlantic ditch shrimp]
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Palaemonetes vulgaris
[Marsh grass shrimp]
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Palaemonetes zariquieyi
[Ebro shrimp]
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Paraclimenaeus spinicauda
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Paraclimenes franklini
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Paraclimenes setirostris
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Paranchistus armatus
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Paranchistus liui
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Paranchistus nobilii
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Paranchistus pycnodontae
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Paranchistus spondylis
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Periclimenaeus arabicus
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Periclimenaeus ardeae
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Periclimenaeus ascidiarum
[Caribbean ascidian shrimp]
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Periclimenaeus atlanticus
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Periclimenaeus bermudensis
[Bermuda sponge shrimp]
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Periclimenaeus bidentatus
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Periclimenaeus bredini
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Periclimenaeus caraibicus
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Periclimenaeus chacei
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Periclimenaeus colodactylus
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Periclimenaeus hecate
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Periclimenaeus jeancharcoti
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Periclimenaeus kottae
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Periclimenaeus matherae
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Periclimenaeus maxillulidens
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Periclimenaeus minutus
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Periclimenaeus nobilii
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Periclimenaeus orbitocarinatus
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Periclimenaeus pacificus
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Periclimenaeus palauensis
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Periclimenaeus pearsei
[Black sponge shrimp]
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Periclimenaeus perlatus
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Periclimenaeus rastrifer
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Periclimenaeus rhodope
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Periclimenaeus robustus
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Periclimenaeus schmitti
[Tortugas bigclaw]
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Periclimenaeus spinosus
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Periclimenaeus stylirostris
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Periclimenaeus tridentatus
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Periclimenaeus tuamotae
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Periclimenaeus wilsoni
[Clear sponge shrimp]
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Periclimenella spinifera
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Periclimenes aegylios
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Periclimenes affinis
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Periclimenes albatrossae
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Periclimenes alcocki
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Periclimenes aleator
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Periclimenes alegrias
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Periclimenes alexanderi

Periclimenes amethysteus
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Periclimenes anthophilus
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Periclimenes antipathophilus
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Periclimenes attenuatus
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Periclimenes batei

Periclimenes brevicarpalis
[Glass anemone shrimp]
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Periclimenes brevinaris
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Periclimenes brevirostris
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Periclimenes ceratopthalmus
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Periclimenes chacei
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Periclimenes colesi

Periclimenes commensalis
[Commensal crinoid shrimp]
No picture found

Periclimenes compressus
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Periclimenes coriolis
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Periclimenes crinoidalis
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Periclimenes cristimanus
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Periclimenes crosnieri
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Periclimenes curvirostris
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Periclimenes diversipes
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Periclimenes eleftherioui
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Periclimenes forcipulatus
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Periclimenes foresti
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Periclimenes foveolatus
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Periclimenes franklini
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Periclimenes fujinoi
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Periclimenes gonioporae
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Periclimenes gorgonicola
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Periclimenes grandidens
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Periclimenes grandis
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Periclimenes granulatus
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Periclimenes granuloides
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Periclimenes harringtoni
[Bermuda shrimp]
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Periclimenes hertwigi
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Periclimenes hongkongensis

Periclimenes imperator
[Emperor shrimp]
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Periclimenes incertus
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Periclimenes infraspinis

Periclimenes inornatus
[Anemone shrimp]
No picture found

Periclimenes iridescens
[Iridescent shrimp]
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Periclimenes ischiospinosus
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Periclimenes josephi
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Periclimenes kempi
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Periclimenes laccadivensis

Periclimenes lanipes
[Basket star shrimp]
No picture found

Periclimenes latipollex
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Periclimenes lepidus
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Periclimenes leptodactylus
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Periclimenes longicaudatus
[Longtail grass shrimp]
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Periclimenes lucasi
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Periclimenes macrophthalmus
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Periclimenes madreporae
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Periclimenes magnus
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Periclimenes mahei
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Periclimenes mclellandi
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Periclimenes murcielagensis
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Periclimenes obscurus
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Periclimenes ordinarius

Periclimenes ornatus
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Periclimenes paivai
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Periclimenes pandionis
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Periclimenes paralcocki
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Periclimenes parvispinatus
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Periclimenes patae
[Gorgonian shrimp]
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Periclimenes pectinipes
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Periclimenes perlucidus
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Periclimenes perryae
[Basketstar shrimp]
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Periclimenes perturbans
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Periclimenes pholeter
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Periclimenes pilipes
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Periclimenes platydactylus
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Periclimenes platyrhynchus
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Periclimenes polynesiensis
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Periclimenes poupini
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Periclimenes psamathe
[Seafan shrimp]
No picture found

Periclimenes rathbunae
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Periclimenes rectirostris
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Periclimenes rex
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Periclimenes richeri
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Periclimenes sarasvati
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Periclimenes sibogae
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Periclimenes sinensis

Periclimenes soror
[Seastar shrimp]
No picture found

Periclimenes tenuis
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Periclimenes toloensis
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Periclimenes uniunguiculatus
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Periclimenes vaubani
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Periclimenes veleronis

Periclimenes venustus
[Beautiful cleaner shrimp]
No picture found

Periclimenes vicinus
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Periclimenes watamuae
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Periclimenes yucatanicus
[Spotted cleaner shrimp]
No picture found

Periclimenes zanzibaricus
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Periclimenoides odontodactylus
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Philarius gerlachei
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Philarius imperialis
No picture found

Philarius lifuensis
No picture found

Philarius polynesicus
No picture found

Phycomenes indicus
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Phycomenes zostericola
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Phyllognathia ceratophthalma
[Bongo shrimp]
No picture found

Pinnotheronia rumphiusi
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Platycaris latirostris
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Plesiopontonia monodi

Pliopontonia furtiva
[Disc anemone shrimp]
No picture found

Pontonia domestica
[Atlantic pen shrimp]
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Pontonia manningi
[Atlantic pearl oyster shrimp]
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Pontonia margarita
[Pearl oyster shrimp]
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Pontonia mexicana
[Caribbean pen shrimp]
No picture found

Pontonia pinnae
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Pontonia sibogae
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Pontonia simplex
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Pontonia unidens
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Pontonides ankeri
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Pontonides asperulatus
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Pontonides loloata
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Pontonides sibogae

Pontonides unciger
No picture found

Pontoniopsis comanthi
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Pseudocoutierea antillensis
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Pseudocoutierea elegans
No picture found

Pseudopontonides principis
No picture found

Sandimenes hirsutus

Stegopontonia commensalis
[Whitestripe urchin shrimp]
No picture found

Thaumastocaris streptopus
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Tuleariocaris holthuisi
[Holthuis urchin shrimp]
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Tuleariocaris neglecta
[Black urchin shrimp]
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Tuleariocaris zanzibarica
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Typton carneus
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Typton crosslandi
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Typton distinctus
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Typton gnathophylloides
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Typton prionurus
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Typton serratus
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Typton tortugae
[Pale sponge shrimp]
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Typton vulcanus
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Typtonychus crassimanus
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Typtonychus dimorphus
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Unguicaris novaecaledoniae

Urocaridella antonbrunii
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Urocaridella antonbruunii
[Clear cleaner shrimp]
No picture found

Urocaridella cyrtorhyncha
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Urocaridella pulchella
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Urocaridella urocaridella
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Veleronia laevifrons
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Veleronia serratifrons
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Veleronia sympathes
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Veleroniopsis kimallynae
No picture found

Vir colemani
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Vir orientalis

Vir philippinensis
No picture found

Zenopontonia noverca
[Rounded sea star shrimp]
451 Species of Family Palaemonidae
(palaemonid shrimps)
Sort by: Species Length
Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
Allopontia iaini Western Central Pacific
Altopontonia disparostris Western Central Pacific
Amphipontonia kanak Western Central Pacific
Anchiopontonia hurii Central Pacific
Anchistus australis Indo-West Pacific.
Anchistus custoides Western Central Pacific
Anchistus custos Indo-Pacific
Anchistus demani Indo-Pacific.
Anchistus gravieri Indo-West Pacific.
Anchistus miersi Giant clam commensal shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Anchistus pectinis Indo-West Pacific.
Ancylomenes holthuisi Holthuis cleaner shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Ancylomenes magnificus Magnificent shrimp Western Pacific
Ancylomenes pedersoni Pederson cleaner shrimp Western Atlantic Ocean.
Ancylomenes tenuirostris Western Central Pacific
Ancylomenes tosaensis Indo-West Pacific.
Ancylomenes venustus Beautiful transparent shrimp Indo-West Pacific.
Apopontonia dentimanus Western Central Pacific
Apopontonia falcirostris Western Central Pacific
Araiopontonia odontorhyncha Western Central Pacific
Ascidonia miserabilis Western Central Atlantic.
Ascidonia pusilla Eastern Central Pacific
Ascidonia quasipusilla Western Central Atlantic
Balssia noeli Mediterranean Sea
Brachycarpus biunguiculatus Twoclaw shrimp Indo-Pacific, Atlantic Oc
Brachycarpus crosnieri Western Central Pacific
Cainonia medipacifica Central Pacific
Calathaemon holthuisi Purgatory cave shrimp North American inland wat
Climeniperaeus orbitospinatus Indo-West Pacific
Colemonia litodactylus Western Central Pacific
Conchodytes biunguiculatus Indo-Pacific.
Conchodytes kempi Western Central Pacific
Conchodytes maculatus Western Central Pacific
Conchodytes meleagrinae Hawaiian pearloyster shrimp Indo-Pacific
Conchodytes monodactylus Western Pacific
Conchodytes tridacnae Giant-clam shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Coralliocaris graminea Green Acropora commensal shrimp Indo-Pacific. Tropical t
Coralliocaris nudirostris Indo-Pacific.
Coralliocaris superba Indo-Pacific.
Coralliocaris venusta Indo-West Pacific
Coralliocaris viridis Indo-Pacific.
Cristimenes brucei Northwest Pacific
Cryphiops caementarius Changallo shrimp Southeast Pacific
Cuapetes agag Indo-West Pacific.
Cuapetes americanus American grass shrimp Western Atlantic
Cuapetes amymone Indo-Pacific.
Cuapetes anacanthus Indo-West Pacific
Cuapetes andamanensis Indo-West Pacific.
Cuapetes darwiniensis Western Central Pacific
Cuapetes demani Indo-West Pacific
Cuapetes elegans Indo-Pacific.
Cuapetes ensifrons Indo-Pacific.
Cuapetes grandis Black and silver cuapetes shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Cuapetes kororensis Mushroom coral ghost shrimp Western Central Pacific.
Cuapetes lacertae Spotted arm shrimp Western Central Pacific
Cuapetes longirostris Indo-West Pacific
Cuapetes nilandensis Western Central Pacific.
Cuapetes platycheles Western Pacific
Cuapetes rapanui Eastern Pacific
Cuapetes seychellensis Indo-West Pacific
Cuapetes suvadivensis Eastern Indian Ocean
Cuapetes tenuipes Red claw cuapetes shrimp Indo-Pacific
Dactylonia ascidicola Indo-Pacific.
Dactylonia borradalei Western Central Pacific
Dactylonia franseni Western Indian Ocean
Dactylonia monnioti Western Central Pacific
Dasycaris doederleini Northwest Pacific
Dasycaris symbiotes Indo-West Pacific.
Dasycaris zanzibarica Indo-West Pacific
Epipontonia anceps Western Central Pacific
Epipontonia hainanensis Northwest Pacific
Epipontonia spongicola Western Indian Ocean
Epipontonia tahitiensis Eastern Central Pacific
Exoclimenella denticulata Central Pacific.
Exoclimenella maldivensis Indo-Pacific.
Exopalaemon annandalei Cipango prawn Northwest Pacific
Exopalaemon carinicauda Oriental prawn Northwest Pacific
Exopalaemon orientis Northwest Pacific
Exopontonia malleatrix Indian Ocean
Fennera chacei Indo-Pacific. 0.6 TL
Gnathophylloides mineri Squat urchin shrimp Arctic, Indo-Pacific and
Gnathophyllum americanum Bumblebee shrimp Indo-Pacific, Western Atl
Gnathophyllum circellum Circled shrimp Arctic and Western Atlant
Gnathophyllum modestum Spotted bumblebee shrimp Western Atlantic
Gnathophyllum panamense Eastern Pacific
Gnathophyllum precipuum Hawaiian cave shrimp Eastern Central Pacific
Gnathophyllum taylori Southwest Pacific
Hamiger novaezealandiae Southwest Pacific
Hamodactylus boschmai Indo-West Pacific.
Hamodactylus noumeae Indo-West Pacific.
Hamopontonia corallicola Egg shell shrimp Indo-West Pacific.
Harpiliopsis beaupresii Indo-Pacific. Tropical a
Harpiliopsis depressa Flattened shrimp Indo-Pacific. 2.5 TL
Harpiliopsis spinigera Indo-Pacific.
Harpilius bayeri Eastern Indian Ocean
Harpilius consobrinus Indo-West Pacific.
Harpilius lutescens Indo-Pacific.
Hymenocera picta Harlequin shrimp Indo-Pacific. 5 BL
Ischnopontonia lophos Indo-West Pacific
Isopontonia platycheles Western Central Pacific
Izucaris crosnieri Eastern Central Pacific
Jocaste japonica Indo-Pacific.
Jocaste lucina Indo-Pacific.
Kaviengella jeffkinchi Western Central Pacific
Kemponia johnsoni Western Pacific
Kemponia nilandensis Indo-West Pacific.
Laomenes albonigrus Eastern Indian Ocean
Laomenes amboinensis Ambon crinoid shrimp Indo-West Pacific
Laomenes nudirostris Western Central Pacific
Leander paulensis Red-algae shrimp Arctic and Western Atlant
Leander plumosus Long nose shrimp Western Central Pacific
Leander tenuicornis Brown grass shrimp Indo-Pacific, Atlantic an
Leandrites celebensis Eastern Indian Ocean
Leandrites stenopus Western Pacific.
Leptocarpus potamiscus Bombay prawn Indo-West Pacific.
Levicaris mammilata Slate-pencil urchin shrimp Eastern Central Pacific
Lipkebe holthuisi Wellington shrimp Western Atlantic
Macrobrachium acanthurus Cinnamon river shrimp Western Atlantic, Arctic
Macrobrachium aemulum Noumea river prawn Oceania Inland Water
Macrobrachium americanum Cauque river prawn Eastern Pacific
Macrobrachium asperulum Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium australe Koua river prawn Oceania Inland Water
Macrobrachium carcinus Bigclaw river shrimp Western Atlantic, Arctic
Macrobrachium crenulatum Western Atlantic and Nort
Macrobrachium dacqueti Indo-West Pacific
Macrobrachium dienbienphuense Western Pacific
Macrobrachium digueti To be filled.
Macrobrachium dux Congo river prawn Africa Inland Waters 5.5 CL
Macrobrachium equidens Rough river prawn Indo-West Pacific. Intro 9.8 TL
Macrobrachium esculentum Sweet river prawn Southern Asia.
Macrobrachium faustinum Western Atlantic and Nort
Macrobrachium felicinum Niger River prawn Eastern Atlantic 9 TL
Macrobrachium formosense Crane river prawn Southern Asia.
Macrobrachium gracilirostre Indo-West Pacific.
Macrobrachium grandimanus Hawaiian river shrimp Oceania.
Macrobrachium guangxiense Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium hancocki Hancock's river prawn Eastern Pacific
Macrobrachium hendersoni Indo-West Pacific.
Macrobrachium heterochirus Cascade river prawn Western Atlantic
Macrobrachium horstii Western Pacific.
Macrobrachium idae Orana river prawn Asia Inland Water
Macrobrachium inflatum Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium insulare Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium intermedium Striped river prawn Indo-West Pacific
Macrobrachium japonicum Western Pacific
Macrobrachium jaroense Jaro river prawn Southern Asia.
Macrobrachium jiangxiense Indo-West Pacific.
Macrobrachium lanceifrons Philippine river prawn Southern Asia, Philippine
Macrobrachium lanchesteri Riceland prawn Southern Asia
Macrobrachium lar Monkey river prawn Oceania Inland Water
Macrobrachium latidactylus Scissor river prawn Western Pacific.
Macrobrachium latimanus Mountain river prawn Oceania Inland Water
Macrobrachium lepidactyloides Malayam scale prawn Oceania Inland Water
Macrobrachium maculatum Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium malcolmsonii Monsoon river prawn Asia - Inland Waters 22.5 TL
Macrobrachium mammillodactylus Knobtooth prawn Western Pacific
Macrobrachium meridionalis Western Pacific
Macrobrachium mirabile Shortleg river prawn Asia - Inland waters
Macrobrachium nipponense Oriental river prawn Southern Asia.
Macrobrachium ohione Ohio shrimp Western Atlantic and Nort 11 TL
Macrobrachium olfersii Bristled river shrimp Western Atlantic
Macrobrachium panamense Eastern Pacific
Macrobrachium rosenbergii Giant river prawn Indo-Pacific 34 TL
Macrobrachium rude Hairy river prawn Southern Asia.
Macrobrachium shaoi Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium superbum Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium tenellum Longarm river prawn Eastern Pacific
Macrobrachium venustum Northwest Pacific
Macrobrachium vietnamense Western Pacific.
Macrobrachium villosimanus Dimua river prawn Southern Asia.
Macrobrachium vollenhovenii African river prawn Endemic to Eastern Atlant 18.2 TL
Macrobrachium yui Western Pacific
Madangella altirostris Western Central Pacific
Manipontonia persiana Western Indian Ocean
Mesopontonia gorgoniophila Western Pacific.
Mesopontonia gracilicarpus Western Central Pacific
Mesopontonia kimwoni Northwest Pacific
Mesopontonia monodactylus Western Central Pacific
Metapontonia fungiacola Western Central Pacific.
Nematopalaemon hastatus Estuarine prawn Eastern Atlantic 7.5 TL
Nematopalaemon schmitti Whitebelly prawn Western Atlantic 8 TL
Nematopalaemon tenuipes Spider prawn Indo-West Pacific
Neoanchistus cardiodytes Indo-West Pacific
Neopontonides beaufortensis Seawhip shrimp Western Atlantic
Neopontonides chacei Western Atlantic
Neopontonides henryvonprahli Eastern Pacific
Notopontonia platycheles Eastern Indian Ocean
Odontonia bagginsi Western Central Pacific
Odontonia compacta Western Central Pacific
Odontonia katoi Indo-West Pacific
Odontonia plurellicola Western Central Pacific
Odontonia simplicipes Western Central Pacific
Onycocaridella monodoa Western Central Pacific
Onycocaris longirostris Western Central Pacific
Onycocaris maui Eastern Central Pacific
Onycocaris oligodentata Western Pacific
Onycocaris quadratophthalma Indo-Pacific.
Opaepupu huna Eastern Central Pacific
Orthopontonia ornata Indo-West Pacific
Palaemon adspersus Baltic prawn Northeast Atlantic and th 8 TL
Palaemon affinis All subantarctic seas.
Palaemon concinnus Mangrove prawn Indo-Pacific.
Palaemon debilis Feeble shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Palaemon elegans Rockpool prawn Eastern Atlantic and the 6 TL
Palaemon floridanus Florida grass shrimp Western Central Atlantic.
Palaemon gladiator Southeast Pacific
Palaemon gracilis Eastern Pacific
Palaemon gravieri Chinese ditch prawn Northwest Pacific
Palaemon khori Western Indian Ocean
Palaemon longirostris Delta prawn Eastern Atlantic and the 7 TL
Palaemon macrodactylus Oriental shrimp Indo-West Pacific. Intro 7.3 TL
Palaemon maculatus Zaire prawn Eastern Atlantic 4.3 TL
Palaemon modestus Siberian prawn Northwest Pacific
Palaemon northropi Crossbanded grass shrimp Western Atlantic and the
Palaemon ortmanni Gladiator prawn Northwest Pacific
Palaemon pacificus Pacific grass shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Palaemon paucidens Lake prawn Northwest Pacific
Palaemon ritteri Barred grass shrimp Arctic, Eastern Pacific a
Palaemon semmelinkii Indo-West Pacific
Palaemon serratus Common prawn Eastern Atlantic, the Med 11 TL
Palaemon serrifer Carpenter prawn Indo-West Pacific.
Palaemon sewelli Indo-West Pacific.
Palaemon styliferus Roshna prawn Indo-Pacific
Palaemon tenuidactylus Indo-West Pacific
Palaemon xiphias Posidonia prawn Eastern Central Atlantic 6.5 TL
Palaemonella asymmetrica Southeast Pacific
Palaemonella crosnieri Indo-Pacific.
Palaemonella disalvoi Southeast Pacific
Palaemonella dolichodactylus Western Central Pacific
Palaemonella hachijo Western Central Pacific
Palaemonella holmesi Southern algae shrimp Arctic, Eastern Pacific a
Palaemonella lata Indo-Pacific.
Palaemonella pottsi Indo-West Pacific.
Palaemonella pusilla Western Central Pacific
Palaemonella rotumana Indo-Pacific and the Medi
Palaemonella spinulata Indo-Pacific.
Palaemonella tenuipes Indo-Pacific.
Palaemonetes antennarius Pond shrimp Mediterranean Sea.
Palaemonetes antrorum Balcones cave shrimp North American inland wat
Palaemonetes atrinubes Indo-West Pacific.
Palaemonetes cummingi Squirrel chimney cave shrimp North American inland wat
Palaemonetes hiltoni Hilton shrimp Eastern Pacific
Palaemonetes intermedius Brackish grass shrimp Western Atlantic
Palaemonetes kadiakensis Mississippi grass shrimp North American inland wat
Palaemonetes octaviae Western Central Atlantic.
Palaemonetes paludosus Riverine grass shrimp Western Atlantic
Palaemonetes pugio Daggerblade grass shrimp Western Atlantic and the 4.65 TL
Palaemonetes sinensis Chinese grass shrimp Northwest Pacific
Palaemonetes texanus Texas River shrimp North American inland wat
Palaemonetes tonkinensis Tonkin grass shrimp Northwest Pacific
Palaemonetes varians Atlantic ditch shrimp Northeast Atlantic and th 5.2 TL
Palaemonetes vulgaris Marsh grass shrimp Western Atlantic
Palaemonetes zariquieyi Ebro shrimp Mediterranean Sea.
Paraclimenaeus spinicauda Western Central Pacific
Paraclimenes franklini Western Central Pacific.
Paraclimenes setirostris Western Central Pacific
Paranchistus armatus Western Central Pacific
Paranchistus liui Northwest Pacific
Paranchistus nobilii Indo-West Pacific
Paranchistus pycnodontae Central Pacific
Paranchistus spondylis Northwest Pacific
Periclimenaeus arabicus Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenaeus ardeae Western Indian Ocean.
Periclimenaeus ascidiarum Caribbean ascidian shrimp Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus atlanticus Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus bermudensis Bermuda sponge shrimp Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus bidentatus Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenaeus bredini Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus caraibicus Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus chacei Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus colodactylus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenaeus hecate Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenaeus jeancharcoti Western Central Pacific
Periclimenaeus kottae Eastern Indian Ocean
Periclimenaeus matherae Eastern Indian Ocean
Periclimenaeus maxillulidens Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus minutus Eastern Indian Ocean
Periclimenaeus nobilii Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenaeus orbitocarinatus Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenaeus pacificus Southeast Pacific
Periclimenaeus palauensis Western Central Pacific
Periclimenaeus pearsei Black sponge shrimp Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus perlatus Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus rastrifer Western Pacific.
Periclimenaeus rhodope Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenaeus robustus Western Indian Ocean.
Periclimenaeus schmitti Tortugas bigclaw Western Atlantic
Periclimenaeus spinosus Eastern Pacific
Periclimenaeus stylirostris Western Central Pacific
Periclimenaeus tridentatus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenaeus tuamotae Central Pacific
Periclimenaeus wilsoni Clear sponge shrimp Western Atlantic
Periclimenella spinifera Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenes aegylios Mediterranean Sea.
Periclimenes affinis Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes albatrossae Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes alcocki Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenes aleator Central Pacific.
Periclimenes alegrias Eastern Indian Ocean
Periclimenes alexanderi Eastern Central Pacific
Periclimenes amethysteus Mediterranean Sea.
Periclimenes anthophilus Southwest Atlantic
Periclimenes antipathophilus Western Central Atlantic
Periclimenes attenuatus Western Central Pacific.
Periclimenes batei Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes brevicarpalis Glass anemone shrimp Indo-Pacific
Periclimenes brevinaris Western Indian Ocean
Periclimenes brevirostris Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes ceratopthalmus Indo-Pacific
Periclimenes chacei Northwest Pacific
Periclimenes colesi Western Central Atlantic
Periclimenes commensalis Commensal crinoid shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenes compressus Western Indian Ocean
Periclimenes coriolis Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes crinoidalis Western Central Atlantic
Periclimenes cristimanus Western Pacific
Periclimenes crosnieri Central Pacific
Periclimenes curvirostris Northwest Pacific
Periclimenes diversipes Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenes eleftherioui Mediterranean Sea.
Periclimenes forcipulatus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes foresti Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes foveolatus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes franklini Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes fujinoi Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes gonioporae Indo-Pacific
Periclimenes gorgonicola Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes grandidens Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes grandis Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenes granulatus Mediterranean Sea.
Periclimenes granuloides Northwest Pacific
Periclimenes harringtoni Bermuda shrimp Western Atlantic
Periclimenes hertwigi Western Pacific.
Periclimenes hongkongensis Indo-West Pacific
Periclimenes imperator Emperor shrimp Indo-Pacific
Periclimenes incertus Indo-West Pacific
Periclimenes infraspinis Arctic and Eastern Pacifi
Periclimenes inornatus Anemone shrimp Indo-Pacific
Periclimenes iridescens Iridescent shrimp Western Atlantic and the
Periclimenes ischiospinosus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes josephi Southwest Pacific
Periclimenes kempi Indo-West Pacific
Periclimenes laccadivensis Indo-West Pacific
Periclimenes lanipes Basket star shrimp Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenes latipollex Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenes lepidus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes leptodactylus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes longicaudatus Longtail grass shrimp Western Atlantic
Periclimenes lucasi Eastern Pacific
Periclimenes macrophthalmus Northwest Pacific
Periclimenes madreporae Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenes magnus Southwest Atlantic
Periclimenes mahei Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenes mclellandi Western Central Atlantic
Periclimenes murcielagensis Eastern Pacific
Periclimenes obscurus Indo-West Pacific
Periclimenes ordinarius Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes ornatus Indo-West Pacific. Tropi
Periclimenes paivai Western Atlantic
Periclimenes pandionis Western Central Atlantic
Periclimenes paralcocki Central Pacific.
Periclimenes parvispinatus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes patae Gorgonian shrimp Western Central Atlantic
Periclimenes pectinipes Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes perlucidus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes perryae Basketstar shrimp Western Atlantic Ocean.
Periclimenes perturbans Indo-West Pacific
Periclimenes pholeter Western Indian Ocean
Periclimenes pilipes Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes platydactylus Eastern Central Pacific
Periclimenes platyrhynchus Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes polynesiensis Eastern Central Pacific
Periclimenes poupini Pacific Ocean
Periclimenes psamathe Seafan shrimp Indo-West Pacific
Periclimenes rathbunae Western Central Atlantic
Periclimenes rectirostris Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes rex Western Indian Ocean
Periclimenes richeri Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes sarasvati Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes sibogae Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes sinensis Western Pacific.
Periclimenes soror Seastar shrimp Indo-Pacific
Periclimenes tenuis Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes toloensis Indo-West Pacific.
Periclimenes uniunguiculatus Indo-Pacific.
Periclimenes vaubani Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes veleronis Southeast Pacific
Periclimenes venustus Beautiful cleaner shrimp Central Pacific
Periclimenes vicinus Southwest Pacific
Periclimenes watamuae Western Central Pacific
Periclimenes yucatanicus Spotted cleaner shrimp Western Atlantic Ocean 2.5 TL
Periclimenes zanzibaricus Eastern Indian Ocean
Periclimenoides odontodactylus Western Pacific
Philarius gerlachei Indo-Pacific.
Philarius imperialis Indo-West Pacific
Philarius lifuensis Western Central Pacific
Philarius polynesicus Eastern Central Pacific
Phycomenes indicus Eastern Indian Ocean
Phycomenes zostericola Eastern Indian Ocean
Phyllognathia ceratophthalma Bongo shrimp Western Pacific
Pinnotheronia rumphiusi Western Central Pacific
Platycaris latirostris Eastern Indian Ocean
Plesiopontonia monodi Western Central Pacific
Pliopontonia furtiva Disc anemone shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Pontonia domestica Atlantic pen shrimp Atlantic Ocean.
Pontonia manningi Atlantic pearl oyster shrimp Atlantic Ocean.
Pontonia margarita Pearl oyster shrimp Eastern Pacific.
Pontonia mexicana Caribbean pen shrimp Western Atlantic Ocean.
Pontonia pinnae Eastern Pacific
Pontonia sibogae Western Central Pacific
Pontonia simplex Eastern Pacific
Pontonia unidens Western Central Atlantic
Pontonides ankeri Indo-Pacific.
Pontonides asperulatus Western Central Pacific
Pontonides loloata Indo-Pacific.
Pontonides sibogae Western Pacific
Pontonides unciger Indo-Pacific.
Pontoniopsis comanthi Indo-West Pacific
Pseudocoutierea antillensis Western Central Atlantic.
Pseudocoutierea elegans Southeast Pacific
Pseudopontonides principis Western Central Atlantic
Sandimenes hirsutus Indo-West Pacific.
Stegopontonia commensalis Whitestripe urchin shrimp Indo-Pacific.
Thaumastocaris streptopus Indo-West Pacific
Tuleariocaris holthuisi Holthuis urchin shrimp Amphitropical
Tuleariocaris neglecta Black urchin shrimp Western Atlantic Ocean.
Tuleariocaris zanzibarica Western Central Pacific
Typton carneus Southwest Atlantic
Typton crosslandi Southeast Pacific
Typton distinctus Western Central Atlantic.
Typton gnathophylloides Western Central Atlantic
Typton prionurus Western Central Atlantic
Typton serratus Southeast Pacific
Typton tortugae Pale sponge shrimp Southwest Atlantic
Typton vulcanus Western Central Atlantic
Typtonychus crassimanus Western Central Pacific
Typtonychus dimorphus Eastern Indian Ocean
Unguicaris novaecaledoniae Western Central Pacific
Urocaridella antonbrunii Indo-Pacific.
Urocaridella antonbruunii Clear cleaner shrimp Indo-West Pacific
Urocaridella cyrtorhyncha Western Indian Ocean
Urocaridella pulchella Indo-Pacific. A lessepsi
Urocaridella urocaridella Indo-West Pacific.
Veleronia laevifrons Eastern Pacific
Veleronia serratifrons Eastern Pacific and Weste
Veleronia sympathes Southeast Pacific
Veleroniopsis kimallynae Western Central Atlantic
Vir colemani Western Central Pacific
Vir orientalis Western Central Pacific
Vir philippinensis Indo-West Pacific
Zenopontonia noverca Rounded sea star shrimp Indo-West Pacific

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