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Non-fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Nassariidae Nassa mud snails (See list of species below)

Select Ocean (marine/brackish) or Continent (freshwater):

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Total number of spines in dorsal and anal fins (optional)

17 species in Atlantic, Western Central with fin ray counts including ? spines in dorsal and ? in anal fins (see list below)
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Ilyanassa obsoleta
[Eastern mudsnail]
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Nassarius acutus
[Sharp nassa]

Nassarius albus
[White nassa]

Nassarius antillarum
[Antilles nassa]
No picture found

Nassarius candei
No picture found

Nassarius candidissimus
No picture found

Nassarius compertus

Nassarius consensus
[Striate nassa]
No picture found

Nassarius hotessierianus
No picture found

Nassarius kaicherae
No picture found

Nassarius karinae
No picture found

Nassarius paucicostatus
No picture found

Nassarius pernitidus

Nassarius polygonatus
[Black-spot nassa]

Nassarius scissuratus
No picture found

Nassarius trivittatus
[Threeline mudsnail]
No picture found

Phrontis vibex
[Bruised nassa]
17 Species of Family Nassariidae
(Nassa mud snails)
Sort by: Species Length
Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
Ilyanassa obsoleta Eastern mudsnail Eastern Pacific and Weste 3.82 DL
Nassarius acutus Sharp nassa Eastern Central Pacific a 1.5 DL
Nassarius albus White nassa Western Atlantic. 1.2 DL
Nassarius antillarum Antilles nassa Western Atlantic. 1.2 DL
Nassarius candei Western Atlantic. 0.52 DL
Nassarius candidissimus Western Central Atlantic 1.14 DL
Nassarius compertus Western Atlantic. 0.4 DL
Nassarius consensus Striate nassa Western Central Atlantic. 1.46 DL
Nassarius hotessierianus Western Atlantic. 0.5 DL
Nassarius kaicherae Western Atlantic. 1.22 DL
Nassarius karinae Western Atlantic. 1 DL
Nassarius paucicostatus Western Central Atlantic. 1.2 DL
Nassarius pernitidus Western Atlantic. 1.8 DL
Nassarius polygonatus Black-spot nassa Western Atlantic. 1.6 DL
Nassarius scissuratus Western Atlantic 1.5 DL
Nassarius trivittatus Threeline mudsnail Western Atlantic Ocean. 2.49 DL
Phrontis vibex Bruised nassa Western Atlantic. 2 DL

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