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101073 | Shojae, F., E. Kamrani, M.R. Shokri, M.S. Ranjbar, M. Moradi and M.A. Hesni 2010 New records of three hard coral species from north-east of Larak Island (Persian Gulf, Iran). Marine Biodiversity Records 3:e65. | 2010 |
101074 | Randall, R.H. 1995 Biogeography of reef-building corals in the Mariana and Palau Islands in relation to back-arc rifting and the formation of the eastern Philippine Sea. Nat. Hist. Res. 3(2):193-210. | 1995 |
101128 | Williams, G.C. 2003 Capitate taxa of the soft coral genus Eleutherobia (Octocorallia: Alcyoniidae) from Palau and South Africa; a new species and a new combination. Zool. Verh. Leiden 345:419-436. | 2003 |
101202 | Ewel, K.C., S. Rowe, B. McNaughton and K.M. Bonine 2009 Characteristics of Scylla spp. (Decapoda: Portunidae) and their mangrove forest habitat in Ngaremeduu Bay, Republic of Palau. Pacific Science 63(1):15-26. | 2009 |
101203 | Kensley, B. 2003 Axiod shrimps from Guam (Crustacea, Decapoda, Thalassinidea). Micronesica 35-36:359-384. | 2003 |
101559 | Bergquist, P.R. and M. Kelly 2004 Taxonomy of some halisarcida and homosclerophorida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Indo-Pacific. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 38(1):51-66. | 2004 |
101577 | Kalinin, V.I., N.V. Ivanchina, V.B. Krasokhin, T.N. Makarieva and V.A. Stonik 2012 Glycosides from marine sponges (Porifera, Demospongiae): structures, taxonomical distribution, biological activities and biological roles. Marine Drugs 10:1671-1710. | 2012 |
101579 | Mori, K. 1976 A new recent sclerosponge from Ngargol, Palau Islands and its fossil relatives. Tohoku Univ. Sci. Rep. 46(1):1-21. | 1976 |
101582 | Samaai, T., M.J. Gibbons and M. Kelly 2009 A revision of the genus Strongylodesma Lévi (Porifera: Demospongiae: Latrunculiidae) with descriptions of four new species. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 14p. | 2009 |
101583 | Hooper, J.N.A., P. Sutcliffe and M.A. Schlacher-Hoenlinger 2008 New species of Raspailiidae (Porifera: Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) from southeast Queensland. Nature 54(1):1-22. | 2008 |
101623 | Myers, A.A. 2012 Amphipoda (Crustacea) from Palau, Micronesia: families Ampeliscidae, Ampithoidae, Aoridae, Colomastigidae and Cyproideidae. ZooKeys 193:1-25. | 2012 |
101684 | Myers, A.A. 2013 Amphipoda (Crustacea) from Palau, Micronesia: Families Dexaminidae, Eusiridae, Hyalidae, Ischyroceridae, Leucothoidae and Lysianassidae. Zootaxa 3731(3):301-323. | 2013 |
101709 | Myers, A.A. 2014 Amphipoda (Crustacea) from Palau, Micronesia: Families Melphidippidae, Oedicerotidae, Photidae, Pleustidae, Podoceridae, Stenothoidae, Synopiidae and Talitridae. Zootaxa 3811(4):535-552. | 2014 |
101795 | Kase, T. and Y. Kano 1999 Bizarre gastropod Pluviostilla palauensis gen. et sp. nov. from a submarine cave in Palau (Micronesia), possibly with neritopsine affinity. Japanese Journal of Malacology 58(1):1-8. | 1999 |
101796 | Harada, T., Y. Oshima, H. Kamiya and T. Yasumoto 1982 Confirmation of paralytic shellfish toxins in the dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressa and bivalves in Palau. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 48(6):821-825. | 1982 |
101799 | Vermeij, G.J. and M.A. Snyder 2003 The fasciolariid gastropod genus Benimakia: new species and a discussion of Indo-Pacific genera in Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 153:15-22. | 2003 |
101830 | Hamatani, I. 1991 Sohgenia palauensis n. gen. & sp., a new ascoglossan opisthobranch from the Palau Islands collected by the R/V Sohgen-Maru. The Japanese Journal of Malacology 50(2):85-92. | 1991 |
101834 | Kawaguti, S., M. Yamamoto and Y. Kamishima 1965 Electron microscopy on the symbiosis between blue-green algae and an opisthobranch, Placobranchus. Proceedings of the Japan Academy 41(7):614-617. | 1965 |
101837 | Narayana, S. and R. Mohanraju 2013 New record of a headshield slug Phanerophthalmus smaragdinus (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) from Andaman Islands, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 5(7):4113-4114. | 2013 |
102262 | Suzuki, H. and A. Shinomiya 1995 Study on the fauna associated with Nautilus belauensis in the area off the southeast coast of the Palau Islands. Kagoshima Univ. Res. Center Pac., Occasional Papers 27: 11-23. | 1995 |
102276 | Silva-Aciares, F., M. Zapata, J. Tournois, D. Moraga and C. Riquelme 2011 Identification of genes expressed in juvenile Haliotis rufescens in response to different copper concentrations in the north of Chile under controlled conditions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62(12):2671-2680. | 2011 |
102306 | Ohba, H. 1996 The benthic marine flora of the Palau Islands (WCI): new records, missing records and implications for biodiversity. Kagoshima University Research Center for the South Pacific, Occasional Papers 30:45-54. | 1996 |
102792 | Mondal, T., C. Raghunathan and K. Venkataraman 2012 New record of five Scleractinian corals to Indian water from Andaman & Nicobar Islands. International Journal of Advanced Biological Research 2(4):699-703. | 2012 |
102793 | Miyake, S. and T. Fujino 1968 Pontoniid shrimps from the Palau Islands (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae). Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 14(3):399-431. | 1968 |
102798 | McFadden, C.S., A.S. Brown, C. Brayton, C.B. Hunt and L.P. van Ofwegen 2014 Application of DNA barcoding in biodiversity studies of shallow-water octocorals: molecular proxies agree with morphological estimates of species richness in Palau. Coral Reefs 33:275-286. | 2014 |
102807 | Lipps, J.H. and M.R. Langer 1999 Benthic Foraminifera from the meromictic Mecherchar Jellyfish Lake, Palau (western Pacific). Micropaleontology 45(3):278-284. | 1999 |
102849 | Lee, T. and S. Shin 2013 Echinoderm fauna of Kosrae, the Federation States of Micronesia. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 29(1):1-17. | 2013 |
102864 | Kagawata, S., M. Yamasaki, R. Genka and R.W. Jordan 2005 Shallow-water benthic foraminifers from Mecherchar Jellyfish Lake (Ongerul Tketau Uet), Palau. Micronesica 37(2):215-233. | 2005 |
102957 | Kawagata, S., M. Yamasaki, R. Genka and R.W. Jordan 2004 Shallow-water benthic foraminifers from Mechercher Jellyfish Lake (Ongerul Tketau Uet), Palau. Micronesica 37(2):215-233. | 2004 |
102970 | Engbring, J. 1983 Avifauna of the Southwest Islands of Palau. Atoll Research Bulletin 267:1-22. | 1983 |
102982 | Friedlander, A.M., Y. Golbuu, J.E. Caselle, E. Ballesteros, T.B. Letessler, J.J. Meeuwig, M. Gouezo, D. Olsudong, A. Turchik and E. Sala 2014 Marine biodiversity and protected areas in Palau. In Palau: Scientific report to the government of the Republic of Palau. | 2014 |
103110 | Kropp, R.K. 1987 Descriptions of some endolithic habitats for snapping shrimp (Alpheidae) in Micronesia. Bulletin of Marine Science 41(2):204-213. | 1987 |
103112 | Kenyon, J.C. 1995 Latitudinal differences between Palau and Yap in coral reproductive synchrony. Pacific Science 49(2):156-164. | 1995 |
103117 | Penland, L., J. Kloulechad, D. Idip and R. van Woesik 2004 Coral spawning in the western Pacific Ocean is related to solar insolation: evidence of multiple spawning events in Palau. Coral Reefs 23:133-140. | 2004 |
103122 | Rowley, S.J. 2014 Gorgonian responses to environmental change on coral reefs in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington. 213p. | 2014 |
103125 | Bryce, M. and A. Poliseno 2014 Two new records of octocorals (Anthozoa, Octocorallia) from north-west Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 29:159-168. | 2014 |
103126 | Koror Republic of Palau. 2012 The Rock Islands Southern Lagoon.,d.dGc [Accessed 08/07/2015]. | 2012 |
103150 | Pakoa, K., R. Simpson, L. Demei, D. Olsudong, C. Salong, P. Rechelluul and D. Fisk 2014 The status of sea cucumber fisheries resources and management for Palau. Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), 52p. | 2014 |
103155 | Horiguchi, T., Y. Hayashi, H. Kudo and Y. Hara 2011 A new benthic dinoflagellate Spiniferodinium palauense sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) from Palau. Phycologia 50(6):616-623. | 2011 |
103161 | Becking, L.E. 2013 Revision of the genus Placospongia (Porifera, Demospongiae, Hadromerida, Placospongiidae) in the Indo-West Pacific. ZooKeys 298:39-76. | 2013 |
103164 | Luke, S.R. 1998 Catalog of the benthic invertebrate collections of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Porifera. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, SIO Reference Series 98-06, 39p. | 1998 |
103173 | Benayahu, Y. and L.P. van Ofwegen 2011 New species of the genus Sinularia (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from Singapore, with nores on the occurrence of other species of the genus. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 59(2):117-125. | 2011 |
103174 | Alderslade, P. 2002 A new soft coral genus (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) from Palau. Beagle: Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 18:1-8. | 2002 |
103175 | Hwang, S.-J. and J.-I. Song 2013 Four new records of Dendronephthya species (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea: Nephtheidae) from Korea. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 29(2):160-174. | 2013 |
103270 | McMillan, C. 1980 Halodule pinifolia in the Palau Islands (Belau). Micronesica 16:357-359. | 1980 |
103271 | Bruce, A.J. 1987 The pontiniine shrimp fauna of Australia. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 18:195-218. | 1987 |
103273 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita integra Dana, 1852. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103274 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Portunus granulatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103275 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Etisus laevimanus Randall, 1840. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103276 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Euxanthus exsculptus (Herbst, 1790). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103277 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita cerasma Wee & Ng, 1995. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103278 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita crenata Ruppell, 1830. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103279 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamitoides quadridens A. Milne-Edwards, 1869. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103280 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cryptoplax larvaeformis (Burrow, 1815). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103281 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Calappa hepatica (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103282 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Zosimus aeneus (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103283 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita spinimana Dana, 1852. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103284 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita picta Stimpson, 1858. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103285 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Platyozius laevis (Borradaile, 1902). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103286 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita coeruleipes Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103287 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Trapezia cymodoce (Herbst, 1801). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103296 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Daira perlata (Herbst, 1801). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103297 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita prymna (Herbst, 1803). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103298 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pilodius areolatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103300 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Portunus longispinosus (Dana, 1852). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103301 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita danae Stimpson, 1858. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103303 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Eriphia scabricula Stimpson, 1858. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103304 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Portunus convexus De Haan, 1835. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103306 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Etisus utilis Jacquinot, in Jacquinot & Lucas, 1853. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103307 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Eriphia sebana (Shaw & Nodder, 1803). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103308 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Schizophrys aspera (H. Milne Edwards, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103310 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Caphyra rotundifrons (A. Milne Edwards, 1869). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103312 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Menaethius monoceros (Latreille, 1825). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103314 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita pilumnoides (Latreille, 1825). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103315 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lissocarcinus orbicularis Dana, 1852. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103316 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Actaeodes tomentosus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103317 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thalamita mitsiensis Crosnier, 1962. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103318 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Stichopus ocellatus Massin, Zulfigar, Hwai, Boss, 2002. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-14. | 2014 |
103322 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Barbatia amygdalumtostum (Röding, 1798). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103323 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Engina alveolata (Kiener, 1836). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103324 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Mesophora hungerfordi (Sowerby Iii, 1914). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103325 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chama brassica Reeve, 1847. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103326 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cantharus fumosus (Dillwyn, 1817). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103327 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Dendrodoris nigra (Stimpson, 1855). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103328 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cerithium zonatum (Wood, 1828). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103329 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Acar plicata (Dillwyn, 1817). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103330 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cardita variegata Bruguière, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103331 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Barbatia decussata (G.B. Sowerby I, 1833). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103332 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chama lazarus Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103333 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Morula (Morula) musiva (Kiener, 1835). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103334 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Spondylus albibarbatus Reeve, 1856. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103335 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ergalatax margariticola (Broderip, in Broderip & Sowerby, 1833). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103336 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Botula cinnamomea (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103337 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Clypeomorus pellucida (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1852). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103338 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Littoraria intermedia (Philippi, 1846). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103339 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Temnaspis fissum (Darwin, 1851). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103340 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiozonella subtilis Koehler, 1922. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103341 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Linckia multifora (Lamarck, 1816). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103342 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Barbatia lacerata (Bruguière, 1789). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103343 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cerithium traillii G.B. Sowerby II, 1855. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103345 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum (Vexillum) citrinum (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103347 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Synaptula psara (Sluiter, 1887). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103348 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Plesiocolochirus australis (Ludwig, 1875). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103349 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Trochus stellatus Gmelin, 1791. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103350 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pedum spondyloideum (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103351 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Clypeaster reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103352 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Holothuria pardalis Selenka, 1867. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103353 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Aniculus ursus (Olivier, 1812). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103354 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pachygrapsus minutus A. Milne-Edwards, 1873. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103355 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus miles Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103356 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Mitra ferruginea Lamarck, 1811. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103357 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Drupella ochrostoma (Blainville, 1832). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103358 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Phyllidia coelestis Bergh, 1905. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103359 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus nigropunctatus G.B. Sowerby II, 1858. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103360 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Acropora muricata (Lamarck). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103361 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cerithium egenum Gould, 1849. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103362 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Modulus tectum (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103363 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophionereis fusca Brock, 1888. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103366 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cistina columbiae Gray, 1840. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103367 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus distans Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103368 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chromodoris fidelis (Kelaart, 1858). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103369 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiarthrum pictum (Müller & Troschel, 1842). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103370 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiomastix asperula Lütken, 1869. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103371 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus moreleti Crosse, 1858. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103372 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Synalpheus stimpsoni de Man, 1888. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103373 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cantharus pulcher (Reeve, 1846). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103374 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiocoma doederleini de Loriol, 1899. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103376 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pagurixus maorus (Nobili, 1906). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103377 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Charybdis obtusifrons Leene, 1937. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103378 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Colubraria tortuosa (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103379 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea cribraria Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103380 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Liomera venosa (H. Milne Edwards, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103381 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiarthrum elegans Peters, 1851. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103383 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Favites pentagona (Esper, 1794). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103384 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Oulophyllia crispa (Lamarck, 1816). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103385 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Coralliophila neritoidea (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103386 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiarachna robillardi de Loriol, 1893. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103387 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Didemnum molle (Herdman, 1866). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103393 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Mespilia globulus (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103395 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiomastix variabilis Koehler, 1905. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103397 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Percnon abbreviatum (Dana, 1851). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103399 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Grapsus albolineatus Latreille, in Milbert, 1812. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103402 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Calcinus morgani Rahayu & Forest, 1999. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103404 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum deshayesii (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103405 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Echinoneus cyclostomus Leske, 1778. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103408 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus capitaneus Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103411 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Echinophyllia orpheensis Veron & Pichon, 1979. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103413 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Glossodoris pallida (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103414 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Phyllidia elegans Bergh, 1869. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103417 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Phyllidiella pustulosa (Cuvier, 1804). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103422 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Euchelus atratus (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103423 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Brissus latecarinatus (Leske, 1778). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103425 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Holothuria conusalba Cherbonnier & Féral, 1984. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103427 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Synaptula reticulata (Semper, 1867). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103428 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tectus triserialis (Lamarck, 1822). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103429 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cerithium nesioticum Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1906. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103431 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus miliaris Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103432 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Holothuria olivacea Ludwig, 1888. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103434 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiomastix mixta Lütken, 1869. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103435 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Terebra dimidiata (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103436 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Acanthopleura gemmata (de Blainville, 1825). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103438 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Barbatia (Barbarca) tenella (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103440 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea testudinaria Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103441 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus nanus G.B. Sowerby I, 1833. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103442 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nassarius papillosus (Gould, 1850). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103443 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Oulophyllia bennettae (Veron, Pichon & Best, 1977). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103445 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Distichopora violacea (Pallas, 1766). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103446 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Drupa ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103447 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Echinometra mathaei (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103448 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Hypselodoris bullocki (Collingwood, 1881). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103450 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Phyllidia carlsonhoffi Brunckhorst, 1993. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103451 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chama asperella Lamarck, 1819. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103452 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chlorodiella nigra (Forskål, 1775). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103454 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Fibularia ovulum Lamarck, 1816. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103455 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiolepis cincta Müller & Troschel, 1842. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103456 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Drupella rugosa (Born, 1778). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103457 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nembrotha kubaryana Bergh, 1877. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103458 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chrysostoma paradoxum Bron, 1780. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103459 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Eudistoma glaucum (Sluiter, 1909). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103460 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pyrene ocellata (Link, 1807). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103463 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chlorodiella xishaensis Chen & Lan, 1978. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103465 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Echinolittorina melanacme (E.A. Smith, 1876). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103466 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Calcinus lineapropodus Morgan & Forest, 1991. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103468 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Macrophiothrix coerulea (Djakonov, 1930). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103469 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Bursa cruentata (G.B. Sowerby II, 1835). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103472 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Eucidaris metularia (Lamarck, 1816). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103473 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Percnon guinotae Crosnier, 1965. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103474 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Drupa rubusidaeus Röding, 1798. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103475 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Spisula aspersa (Sowerby, 1825). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103476 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiocoma erinaceus Müller & Troschel, 1842. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103478 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pilodius flavus Rathbun, 1894. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103480 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cyclodius obscurus (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103482 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Muricodrupa fiscella (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103483 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Parasalenia gratiosa A. Agassiz, 1863. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103484 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Zoopilus echinatus Dana, 1846. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103485 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Clibanarius virescens (Krauss, 1843). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103486 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pteria avicular (Holten, 1802). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103487 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Holothuria excellens (Ludwig, 1875). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103488 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Neoferdina cumingi (Gray, 1840). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103489 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Mitra chrysostoma Broderip, 1836. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103490 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Palapedia integra (De Haan, 1835). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103491 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tectus conus (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103492 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Gari maculosa (Lamarck, 1818). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103493 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Paraminabea acronocephala (Williams, 1992). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103494 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thais clavigera (Kuster, 1860). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103495 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cymatium gemmatum (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103496 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Stereonephthya cordylophora Verseveldt, 1973. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103497 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophionereis porrecta Lyman, 1860. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103498 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiohtrix purpurea von Martens, 1867. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103499 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Plagusia squamosa (Herbst, 1790). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103500 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum (Costellaria) obeliscus (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103501 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Paraxanthias notatus (Dana, 1852). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103502 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pyrene punctata (Bruguière, 1789). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103503 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea quadrimaculata Gray, 1824. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103504 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Aquilonastra corallicola (Marsh, 1977). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103506 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Etisus demani Odhner, 1925. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103507 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Mitra coarctata Reeve, 1844. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103508 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Acropora plumosa Wallace & Wolstenholme, 1998. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103509 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Dactylosaster cylindricus (Lamarck, 1816). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103510 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Petricola lapicida (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103512 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Glossodoris hikuerensis (Pruvot-Fol, 1954). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103513 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cantellius pallidus (Broch, 1931). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103514 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Holothuria fuscocinerea Jaeger, 1833. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103516 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Camposcia retusa (Latreille, 1829). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103517 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Banareia japonica (Odhner, 1925). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103518 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Clavus canalicularis (Röding, 1798). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103519 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Eudistoma angolanum (Michaelsen, 1915). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103520 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Gyrineum gyrinum Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103522 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus mustelinus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103524 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Parapilumnus oryctos Ng, 2002. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103543 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Clavelina moluccensis (Sluiter, 1904). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103544 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Echinopora pacificus Veron, 1990. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103545 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Amphipholis squamata (Delle Chiaje, 1828). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103546 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Clavus canicularis (Roeding, 1798). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103547 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Gomophia gomophia (Perrier, 1875). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103549 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cadella semen (Hanley, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103551 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pupa sulcata (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103552 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Fragum loochooanum Kira, 1959. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103554 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Atys naucum (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103555 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum granosum (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103556 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus eburneus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103559 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Fulvia australis (Sowerby II, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103560 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Euplica varians (G.B. Sowerby I, 1832). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103563 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Calappa calappa (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103564 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Wallucina fijiensis (E.A. Smith, 1885). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103565 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea labrolineata Gaskoin, 1849. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103566 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Glossocardia obesa (Reeve, 1843). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103568 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Corculum dionaeum (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103569 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Mitrella albina (Kiener, 1841). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103570 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vasticardium angulatum (Lamarck, 1819). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103571 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Timoclea marica (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103572 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Terebra affinis Gray, 1834. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103575 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tellina robusta Dey, 2006. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103576 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cerithium rostratum A. Adams, 1855. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103577 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Terebra laevigata Gray, 1834. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103578 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum semifasciatum (Lamarck, 1811). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103593 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Turbo markusrufi Kreipl & Alf, 2003. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103594 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nassarius echinatus (A. Adams, 1852). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103595 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Imbricaria conularis (Lamarck, 1811). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103596 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum (Vexillum) gruneri (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103597 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum (Vexillum) plicarium (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103598 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Oliva tesselata. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103601 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Peasiella roepstorffiana (Nevill, 1885). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103602 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Littoraria undulata (Gray, 1839). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103604 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Echinolittorina cinerea (Pease, 1869). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103605 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Laganum laganum (Leske, 1778). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103606 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea hirundo Sowerby, 1837. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103607 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Anodontia stearnsiana Oyama, 1954. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103608 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea stolida Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103609 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Alectryonella plicatula (Gmelin, 1971). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103610 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tellina discus Römer, 1872. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103611 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea annulus Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103612 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Atys cylindricus (Helbling, 1779). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103615 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus consors G.B. Sowerby I, 1833. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103616 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Anodontia (Euanodontia) ovum (Reeve, 1850). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103617 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Septifer excisus (Wiegmann, 1837). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103618 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea teres Gmelin, 1791. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103619 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea ziczac Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103620 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus circumcisus Born, 1778. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103621 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea staphylaea Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103622 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Annella reticulata (Ellis & Solander, 1786). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103623 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Neritopsis radula (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103624 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pitar intricata (Dautzenberg, 1907). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103625 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus arenatus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103626 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lucilina lamellosa (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103627 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lobophytum batarum Moser, 1919. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103628 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Loxoglypta clathrata (Deshayes, 1835). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103629 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Thyca crystallina (Gould, 1846). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103630 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Heterocentrotus mammillatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103631 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Trochus histrio Reeve, 1842. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103632 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tellina remies Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103633 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Hypodistoma deerratum (Sluiter, 1895). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103634 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Bursa lamarckii (Deshayes, 1853). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103635 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Sertularella diaphana (Allman, 1885). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103636 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Paraminabea aldersladei (Williams, 1992). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103637 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ifalukella yanii Bayer, 1955. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103638 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Frenulina sanguinolenta (Gmelin, 1790). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-16. | 2014 |
103639 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Codakia paytenorum (Iredale, 1937). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103640 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nidalia simpsoni (Thomson & Dean, 1931). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103641 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus catus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103642 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Annella mollis (Nutting, 1910). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103643 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Periglypta corbis (Lamarck, 1818). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103644 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Subergorgia suberosa (Pallas, 1766). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103645 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Periclimenes imperator A. J. Bruce, 1967. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103647 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pitar spoori Lamprell & Whitehead, 1990. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103649 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Synalpheus neomeris (De Man, 1897). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103650 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Phyllidiella cooraburrama Brunckhorst, 1993. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103651 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiopeza fallax Lütken, 1869. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103652 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Stephanogorgia faulkneri (Bayer, 1974). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103653 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lobophytum pauciflorum (Ehrenberg, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103654 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiocoma dentata Müller & Troschel, 1842. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103655 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiomastix caryophyllata Lütken, 1869. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103656 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Labidodemas pertinax (Ludwig, 1875). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103658 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Junceella fragilis (Ridley, 1884). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103659 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Prosimnia semperi (Weinkauff, 1881). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103660 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Rissoina gigantea (Deshayes, 1848). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103661 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiocoma pusilla (Brock, 1888). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103662 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Atergatis granulatus (De Man, 1889). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103663 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Laganum depressum L. Agassiz, 1841. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103664 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Laevichlamys squamosa (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103665 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Palinurellus wieneckii (De Man, 1881). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103666 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Samarangia quadrangularis (Adams & Reeve, 1850). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103667 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Semicassis bisulcata (Schubert & Wagner, 1829). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103668 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Epicodakia sweeti (Hedley, 1899). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103669 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Echinocyamus crispus Mazzetti, 1893. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103670 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiarachnella similis (Koehler, 1905). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103671 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiomastix elegans Brock, 1888. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103672 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea nucleus Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103673 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Gari squamosa (Lamarck, 1818). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103674 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pseudostomatella papyracea (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103675 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Laevicardium biradiatum Kuroda & Habe, 1952. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103676 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Philippia radiata. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103677 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Planaxis sulcatus. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103678 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pilodius cephalalgicus Clark & Galil, 1993. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103679 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Chiton hululensis (E.A. Smith, 1903). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103680 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pitar prora (Conrad, 1837). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103681 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tiarinia takedai Griffin & Tranter, 1986. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103682 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lioconcha philippinarum (Hanley, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103683 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pilodius consors Clark & Galil, 1993. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103684 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Trapezium bicarinatum (Schumacher, 1817). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103685 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cheilea equestris (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103686 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Holothuria immobilis Semper, 1868. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103687 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiolepis superba H.L. Clark, 1915. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103688 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Plexaura flava Nutting, 1910. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103689 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Epicodakia nodulosa Glover & Taylor, 2007. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103690 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cheilea tectumsinense (Lamarck, 1822). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103691 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea limacina Lamarck, 1810. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103692 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Parhippolyte misticia (J. Clark, 1989). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103694 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nikoides steinii (Edmondson, 1935). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103695 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Aquilonastra anomala (H.L. Clark, 1921). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103696 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Globivenus toreuma (Gould, 1850). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103697 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Callianidea typa H. Milne Edwards, 1837. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103698 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pinnotheronia rumphiusi Marin & Paulay, 2010. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103700 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Patelloida profunda (Deshayes, 1863). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103701 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Holothuria albiventer Semper, 1868. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103702 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea ovum Kiener, 1843. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103703 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tellina gargadia Dey, 2006. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103704 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus pertusus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103705 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lambis millepeda (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103706 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Viriola incisa (Pease, 1861). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103707 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Alpheus frontalis H. Milne Edwards, 1837 [in H. Milne Edwards, 1834-, 1840]. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103708 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ctenocardia fornicata (Sowerby, 1834). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103710 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Hypocolpus abbotti (Rathbun, 1894). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103711 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Medaeus ornatus Dana, 1852. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103712 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ovula costellata Lamarck, 1810. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103713 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea ursellus Gmelin, 1791. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103715 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiocoma schoenleinii Müller & Troschel, 1842. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103716 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Crossotonotus compressipes A. Milne-Edwards, 1873. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103717 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Roboastra gracilis (Bergh, 1877). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103718 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ctenocardia victor (Angas, 1872). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103719 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lyrocardium lyratum (Sowerby, 1841). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103720 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiomastix palaoensis Murakami, 1943. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103721 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Phenacovolva rosea (A. Adams, 1854). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103722 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus viola Cernohorsky, 1977. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103723 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus pulicarius Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103724 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus virgo Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103725 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Scabricola casta (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103726 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Scissulina dispar (Conrad, 1837). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103727 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus varius Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103728 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus vexillum Gmelin, 1789. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103730 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Terebra felina (Dillwyn, 1817). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103731 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Tellina plicata. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103733 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus striatus Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103735 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Neocancilla papilio (Link, 1807). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103736 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Acrosterigma simplex (Spengler, 1799). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103738 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea cylindrica Born, 1778. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103739 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Strigatella retusa (Lamarck, 1811). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103741 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Strombus pipus Röding, 1798. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103742 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Acrosterigma unicolor (Sowerby II, 1841). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103743 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Astrosclera willeyana Lister, 1900. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103744 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Excellichlamys spectabilis (Reeve, 1853). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103745 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Prionocidaris baculosa (Lamarck, 1816). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103746 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Palapedia serenei Ng, 1993. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103747 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nucia speciosa Dana, 1852. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103748 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Brissus agassizii Döderlein, 1885. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103749 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus ammiralis Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103750 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea contaminata Soweby I, 1832. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103752 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Stavelia subdistorta (Recluz, 1852). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103753 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Anadara uropigimelana (Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1827). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103754 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Haliclona cymaeformis (Esper, 1794). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103755 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Limaria basilanica (Adams & Reeve, 1850). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103756 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Acanthochaetetes wellsi Hartman & Goreau, 1975. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103757 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiothrix exigua Lyman, 1874. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103758 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ergalatax contracta (Reeve, 1846). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103760 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ctenoides annulatus (Lamarck, 1819). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103761 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Fungia moluccensis van der Horst, 1919. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103762 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Fromia monilis (Perrier, 1869). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103763 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ophiopeza spinosa (Ljungman, 1867). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103764 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vasticardium flavum (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103766 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ctenocardia gustavi Vidal & Kirkendale, 2007. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103767 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vasticardium pectiniforme (Born, 1780). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103768 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vasticardium elongatum (Bruguière, 1789). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103769 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Limaria fragilis (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103770 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Ctenoides ales (Finley, 1927). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103771 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103772 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Streptopinna saccata (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103773 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Empressostrea kostini Huber & Lorenz, 2007. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103774 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Anodontia (Cryptophysema) vesicula (Gould, 1850). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103776 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cypraea punctata Linnaeus, 1771. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103777 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Septifer furcillata Gould, 1861. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103778 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Leptomya psittacus Hanley, 1882. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103779 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Parahyotissa numisma (Lamarck, 1819). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103780 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Smaragdia rangiana (Recluz, 1841). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103781 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Cerithium tenellum G.B. Sowerby II, 1855. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103782 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus frigidus Reeve, 1848. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103783 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nerita reticulata Karsten, 1789. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103784 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Terebra columellaris Hinds, 1844. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103786 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Peristernia ustulata (Reeve, 1847). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103787 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Gyrineum roseum (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103788 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Clypeomorus bifasciata (Sowerby, 1855). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103789 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum cruentatum (Gmelin, 1791). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103790 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nassarius albescens (Dunker, 1846). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103791 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Drupella cariosa Wood. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103792 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Mitra amaura Hervier, 1897. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103793 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nerita semirugosa Récluz, 1841. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103794 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Fissilabia decollata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103795 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nassarius (Zeuxis) margaritiferus (Dunker, 1847). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103796 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Vexillum sanguisugum (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103797 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Engina mendicaria (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103799 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Morula (Morula) granulata (Duclos, 1832). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103800 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pterygia sinensis Reeve, 1844. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103801 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pusia cancellarioides (Anton, 1838). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103803 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Lambis chiragra (Linnaeus, 1758). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103804 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus ebraeus Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103806 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Bursa tuberosissima (Reeve, 1844). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103808 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Natica solida Blainville, 1825. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103811 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Nerita insculpta Récluz, 1841. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103813 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Conus imperialis Linnaeus, 1758. Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103814 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Morula anaxeres (Kiener, 1835). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103816 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Peristernia australiensis (Reeve, 1847). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103817 | Florida Museum of Natural History 2014 Pollia mollis (Gould, 1860). Dataset: Invertebrate Zoology, Accessed via on 2015-07-15. | 2014 |
103819 | Alvarez, F., J.L. Villalobos and T. Iliffe 2010 A new species of mud shrimp of the genus Espeleonaushonia Juarrero & Martínez-Iglesias, 1997 (Decapoda: Gebiidea: Laomediidae) from Palau. Zootaxa 2429:61-68. | 2010 |
103828 | Richer de Forges, B. and P.K.L. Ng 2007 A new species of Cyrtomaia Miers, 1886 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Majidae) from Micronesia. Zootaxa 1409:61-67. | 2007 |
103848 | de Grave, S. 2004 A new species of Salmoneus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) from Palau. Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 74:41-48 | 2004 |
103887 | Gutu, M. and T.M. Iliffe 1989 Description of two new species of Tanaidacea (Crustacea) from the marine water caves of the Palau Islands (Pacific Ocean). Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 30:169-180. | 1989 |
104075 | van Ofwegen, L.P. 2008 The genus Sinularia (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) at Palau, Micronesia. Zool. Med. Leiden 82:631-735. | 2008 |
104085 | Birkeland, C. and H. Manner 1989 Resource survey of Ngerukewid Islands Wildlife Preserve, Republic of Palau. A report to the government of Palau, the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, World Wildlife Fund, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 202p. | 1989 |
104101 | Bacescu, M. and T.M. Iliffe 1986 Contribution to the knowledge of Mysidacea from Western Pacific: Aberomysis muranoi n. gen., n. sp. and Palaumysis simonae n. gen., n. sp. from marine caves on Palau, Micronesia. Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. "Grigore Antipa". 28: 25-35. | 1986 |
104419 | Coleman, N. 2001 1001 Nudibranchs catalogue of Indo-Pacific sea slugs. Neville Coleman's Underwater Geographic Pty Ltd, 144p. | 2001 |
104607 | ter Poorten, J.J. 2009 The Cardiidae of the Panglao Marine Biodiversity Project 2004 and the Panglao 2005 deep-sea cruise with descriptions of four new species (Bivalvia). Vita Malacologica 8: 9-96. | 2009 |
108448 | Smithsonian Institution 2016 Nassarius livescens (Philippi, 1849). [Accessed: 29/05/2016]. | 2016 |
113744 | Saunders, W.B. and L.C. Hastie 1992 Remote camera and trapping survey of the deep-water shrimps Heterocarpus laevigatus and H. ensifer and the geryonid crab Chaceon granulatus in Palau. Marine Fisheries Review 54(1):15-25. | 1992 |
115804 | Pola, M., J.L. Cervera and T.M. Gosliner 2008 Revision of the Indo-Pacific genus ,i>Nembrotha (Nudibranchia: Dorididae: Polyceridae), with a description of two new species. Scientia Marina 72(1):145-183. | 2008 |
116024 | Haig, J. 1965 The Porcellanidae (Crustacea, Anomura) of Western Australia, with descriptions of four new Australian species. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 48(4):97-118. | 1965 |
116072 | Jung, D., J. Lee and C.-B. Kim 2013 New records of four doridoidean nudibranchs from Korea. Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 29(2):191-197. | 2013 |
121513 | Ghiselin, M.T. and J.H. Lipps 2019 The sea slug Phanerophthalmus luteus (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) and its habitat and ecology at the marine Jellyfish Lake (Ongeim’l Tketau), Palau, Western Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 4(65):181-194. | 2019 |
121705 | Jarms, G. and A.C. Morandini (eds.) 2019 World Atlas of Jellyfish. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (N.F.), 0173-7481; special volume 2019. | 2019 |
123506 | GBIF 2019 Bathypathes alternata Brook, 1889 in GBIF Secretariat. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset [Accessed 26/01/2021]. | 2019 |
123991 | Wee, N.Q.-X., S.C. Cutmore, P. Sasal and T.H. Cribb 2020 Three new species of Allobacciger Hafeezullah & Siddiqi, 1970 (Digenea: Monorchiidae) from Australia and French Polynesia. Marine Biodiversity 50(16):1-14. | 2020 |
124029 | Petek, S. and C. Debitus (eds.) 2017 Sponges of Polynesia. Papeete (PYF) : IRD. 827 pages. | 2017 |
124093 | Kelly, M., L.J. Bell and B. Herr 2016 Splendid sponges of Palau. [Accessed 11/05/2021]. | 2016 |
126248 | Imahara, Y. and Namikawa H. 2018 Preliminary report on the octocorals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Octocorallia) from the Ogasawara Islands. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, 52:65-94. | 2018 |
126793 | Chow, L.H., V.P.F. Yu, Z.Y. Kho, G.C.L. See, A. Wang, D.M. Baker and L.M. Tsang 2022 An updated checklist of sea slugs (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) from Hong Kong supported by citizen science. Zool. Stud. 61(52):1-33. | 2022 |
127601 | Kano, Y. and T. Kase 2003 Systematics of the Neritilia rubida complex (Gastropoda: Neritiliidae): three amphidromous species with overlapping distributions in the Indo-Pacific. J. Moll. Stud. 69(3):273-284. | 2003 |
128958 | Samimi-Namin, K., L.P. van Ofwegen, S.C. Wilson and M.R. Claereboudt 2011 The first in situ and shallow-water observation of the genus Pseudothelogorgia (Octocorallia: Keroeididae). Zoological Studies 50:265. | 2011 |
129579 | Samimi-Namin, K. and L.P. van Ofwegen 2016 Overview of the genus Briareum (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Briareidae) in the Indo-Pacific, with the description of a new species. ZooKeys 557:1-44. | 2016 |
130475 | Sim-Smith, C., Jr, C. Hickman and M. Kelly 2021 New shallow-water sponges (Porifera) from the Galápagos Islands. Zootaxa 5012(1):1-71. | 2021 |
130618 | Huang, Y.-H. and H.-T. Shih 2021 Diversity in the Taiwanese swimming crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Portunidae) estimated through DNA barcodes, with descriptions of 14 new records. Zool. Stud. 60(60):1-45. | 2021 |
130693 | Cumberlidge, N., T. Caro, V.M. Watson-Zink, T. Naruse, P.K.L. Ng, M. Orchard, D.L. Rahayu, D. Wowor, D.C.J. Yeo and T. White 2022 Troubled giants: The updated conservation status of the coconut crab (Birgus latro). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 70:1-21. | 2022 |
132323 | Hoeksema, B.W. 2014 The "Fungia patella group" (Scleractinia, Fungiidae) revisited with a description of the mini mushroom coral Cycloseris boschmai sp. n. ZooKeys 371:57-84. | 2014 |