Food items reported for Pachygrapsus marmoratus
n = 73
Food I Food II Food III Food name Country Predator Stage
nekton finfish bony fish unspecified blenny (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Jania rubens (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Dictyota sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Padina pavonica (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Gelidium sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Gelidiella sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Goniotrichum alsidii (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Ralfsia sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Herposiphonia sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Lophosiphonia reptabunda (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Falkembergia rufolanosa (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Sphacelaria sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Stypocaulon sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Enteromorpha crinita (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Enteromorpha sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Chaetomorpha sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Ulva sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Caulacanthus ustulatus (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Ceramium sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Cladophora sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Corallina elongata (not available) juv./adults
plants phytoplankton blue-green algae Lyngbia sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants phytoplankton blue-green algae Khyrtuthrix sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants phytoplankton blue-green algae Entophisalis sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants phytoplankton blue-green algae Calothrix sp. (not available) juv./adults
plants phytoplankton blue-green algae Rivularia atra (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. amphipods unspecified amphipods (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Clibanarius erythropus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Eriphia verrucosa (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. crabs Pachygrapsus marmoratus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. isopods Ligia italica (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. isopods Ligia oceanica (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans Balanus perforatus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans Chthamalus montagui (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans Chthamalus stellatus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans Chthamalus depressus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans Pollicipes pollicipes (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos benth. crust. shrimps/prawns Palaemon serratus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos cnidarians n.a./other polyps Actinia sp. (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos cnidarians n.a./other polyps Anemonia sulcata (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos cnidarians n.a./other polyps Cereus pedunculatus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos echinoderms sea urchins unspecified sea urchins (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Ostrea edulis (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Mytilus galloprovincialis (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks chitons unspecified chitons (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Pisania striata (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Cerithium vulgatum (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods unspecified nudibranchs (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Littorina littorea (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Melarhaphe neritoides (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Littorina saxatalis (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Nucella lapillus (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Ocinebrina edwardsi (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods unspecified muricids (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Nassarius sp. (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Patella aspera (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Patella caerulea (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Patella depressa (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Patella rustica (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Patella sp. (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Siphonaria pectinata (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Gibbula albida (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Gibbula sp. (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Gibbula umbilicalis (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Gibbula varia (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Monodonta atrata (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Monodonta sp. (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods Monodonta turbinata (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos mollusks gastropods unspecified vermetids (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos other benth. invertebrates n.a./other benth. invertebrates unspecified bryozoans (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes Eulalia viridis (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes unspecified serpulids (not available) juv./adults
zoobenthos worms polychaetes Sabellaria alveolata (not available) juv./adults
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We encourage users to publish their primary research on growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in SeaLifeBase. A few journal options are available, one of which is Frontiers in Marine Science, Marine Biology section (Impact factor 2021: 3.7) in which a few members of the FishBase Consortium are serving as associated and review editors.