Itens alimentares registados para Pachygrapsus transversus
n = 7
Alimento I Alimento II Alimento III Nome do alimento País Fase de vida do predador
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Callithamnion sp. Brazil Adultos
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Amphiroa sp. Brazil Adultos
plants other plants benthic algae/weeds Acanthophora sp. Brazil Adultos
zoobenthos benth. crust. n.a./other benth. crustaceans unspecified barnacles Brazil Adultos
zoobenthos mollusks bivalves Brachidontes sp. Brazil Adultos
zoobenthos sponges/tunicates sponges unspecified sponges Brazil Adultos
zoobenthos worms polychaetes Phragmatopoma sp. (não disponível) Adultos
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We encourage users to publish their primary research on growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in SeaLifeBase. A few journal options are available, one of which is Frontiers in Marine Science, Marine Biology section (Impact factor 2021: 3.7) in which a few members of the FishBase Consortium are serving as associated and review editors.