Reproduction de Anchialina typica
Document Source:
Réf. Princ. Ruppert, E.E., R.S. Fox and R.D. Barnes, 2004
Mode dioecism
Fertilisation external
Fréquence de ponte
Reproducteur multiple No
Guilde reproductive bearers
External brooders
Description du cycle de vie et comportement d'accouplement Members of the order Mysida are gonochoric. Mating behavior: Male inserts the penis into the marsupium and releases sperm; eggs are then released from the oviducts into the marsupium where fertilization occurs. Life cycle: Eggs are brooded in the marsupium and later hatch into miniature adults, no postlarva.
Chercher plus de références à propos de reproduction Scirus
(ex. 9948)
(ex. cnidaria)
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