Abundance Information for Acrocalanus longicornis
ประเทศ Oman ระบบนิเวศ Gulf of Oman
ถิ่นที่อยู่ Bandar Al-Khyran Bay, Sea of Oman. Depth 10 m
แนะนำ Year Intro.
ระยะของช่วงชีวิต not specified unsexed
Quantitative 67667 Unit numbers/m^3
Semi Quantitative 50000-100000 Unit numbers/m^3
ปี 2007 - 2011 ระยะเวลา 2001-present
วัน 2007-03-01 00:00:00 - 2011-12-31 00:00:00 Record Type field sample
Record Type field sample
Seasonal วิธีการ swept area
ข้อสังเกต Data were collected using a Bongo net equipped with a digital flowmeter, towed obliquely at a speed of 1 knot from near the bottom to the surface. Net had a mouth surface area of 0.125m^2, with a 150um mesh size sieve. Samples were collected monthly during daytime, at an average depth of 10m. Based on Fig. 1, peak abundances were observed from Aug-Sep in 2007, Jun in 2008, Sep in 2009, Feb in 2010, and Nov in 2011. Quantitative data extracted from Tab.1.
(เช่น 9948)
( เช่น cephalopods )
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