Abundance Information for Thalamita danae
Main Ref.
Country Hong Kong Ecosystem Southern China
Locality Wu Kwai Sha Depth
Introduced Year Intro.
Life Stage not specified unsexed
Quantitative 4.73 Unit numbers/m^2
Semi Quantitative <100 Unit numbers/m^2
Qualitative common
Year 1988 - 1988 Period 1975-2000
Date 1988-01-01 00:00:00 - 1988-12-31 00:00:00 Record Type field sample
Record Type field sample
Seasonal no Method quadrats
Remarks Monthly sampling was done from December 1987 to September 1989. A transect line was laid down and a series of 0.5 square meter quadrats, each separated by 2 meters, were placed into the substratum. Individuals within the quadrat were counted, sexed, and measured. A total of 60 quadrat samples were examined each month. Abundance data presented is the average population density from January to December 1988. Monthly data available on p. 173;Fig.5 of the reference.
(e.g. 9948)
( e.g. cephalopods )
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